HomeMy WebLinkAbout422262290100 /,?/<>?o I /,5>/';;;'0 .L.U2..2_152do .$/610 5000'::- I~Z<:lTO q-r! 5rJo 73'i..s"obt8'MCJ 1'-1155(') - I I __~. _,_ j ,I 1____ ______d --~- ---==( =:1 -~--=----- ------~-=~!- :_---I~--- ~- ! I @z.i1.:2.,b.Z: z..eJ:O:/ ;D~ Tract 10 of Ind. Lot I & Tax ,266:1: I,~ 266A:8-1, y.ar'r-,;;:- No .- r--'~ _..__'.___n__ NAME of OWNER 8173 .?81736_~l.rJ1Rson Pro,Qerties. 2/7f!... :2.L?4 I_~~I_'_ 9.L.llit .31U883,_______ I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS <:'3(5 ..'ii"d.'"Tsch, ,P?rfP('iOTfPO i I Inc. )~ 2 404 ~~ I, L, H - -------- ,-" I ' ~--EQD;:llLC.CJ"'''n',n + "'L__~_ Ii! .,;.L().I)J.). lor.e.n ..w...s.t.obl.a ex.... "v(P~+ ::Lc,LaJ_1 I~ I .JJ I (/11-/ / I L I-L If -- =, ~--i- --t- I __ ______ _'u__ ___ .-- - 1--- ~ Year I Oyster "'-NU:BE:~F- AC:E: ..,.'. 7/ , , I 1 .-1 TOTAL I . Oyder , ' , 7/ I I Timblr VALUATIONS Unimproved I Improved I f Timber ! , . 1.JL 1-3-; ~ -.:. r ~E ':5vl!iltE #'2:21 )5() I>>ITn I/. ~.fL-.. iL ~S~ Unlmprov.d! ImprQ....d I improvemenh I (Buildings) 7173 f----- - 1-- 1-- 1- --. -------------- LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. l2 4 SALE PRICE' #36466 ~47392 t?~1880 I "'pc ....qc.cL I I . 8. of E. VALUE ".J' .s... -. i r (Lot 2 of S.P.#901 A.F.#378680) A tr of land in G.L. I, 26-22-4 W,W.M., more particularly daf: COMMENCING at the N 1/4 corner to sd Section; th S 89044'45" W along the Nly boundary of Section 26 a distance of 192.93' to the Ely right-of-way boundary of U.S.Highway #101; th S 44041 '42" W 479.23' along sd boundary to a pnt which bears N 51037' 36" W 20.2' from the NWly corner of Tr 119 of the Plat of Potlatch Beach Tracts as it is recorded in the Mason County Auditor's Records Vol.4 pg 26; th S 44028'45" W along sd right-of-way boundary 302.445' to the TPOB; th S 44028'45" W 100.815'; th S 45043'38" E, 279.1 I'; th N 64050'57" E 120.00'; th N 47047'06" W 321.12' to the TPOB. ALSO al I second class tidelands of G.L.I lying in front of & abutting the above descr tr between I ines which bear S 25009'03" E from the SEly corners of sd tr. ..~ .. --.., --.,.-:;..~--"~. et al: Ronald C.-Beverly Claudon Loren W.-Patricia Loren