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Y.., Fill No. ~1701C c!:'W'OWNER CDNTRACT TO DiSTRICTS .3,/_-- SALE PRICE:
Rd. 8<h. Pori [PUD FPO
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--5.1L Frances c. Simpson 2 2 _L r1- L #//tJ/P
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Y..r OYlter Tlmblr UnlmproVld Improvtd TOTAL Oydlr Tlmblr UnImproved Improvld Improvlmllnu B, of E.
(Buildings) VALUE
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Tract of land describe~~!OllOWS:
Bgn at a. point 46 ft". E () 'the SW corner of Lot I, Sec 26-22-4;
Thn along E mrgin of oty pc"Hy, which here_subtends a 6013' right
curve to a point 550 ft. Nand 282.4 ft. eaea of said SW oorner of
said lot; this point being marked by a 1 x 4" iron post driven 3 ft.
Thn S 35030' E 150.7 ft. to a 1 x 4" iron -post driven 3 ft. deep, 10
ft. baok from the beach line of Hood Canal; oontinue same oourse to
the baok from beaoh line of Hood Canal;
Thn in general SWly direotion along beaoh to the S line of said
Lot 1, whioh line is marked by a 1 x 4" iron post driven 3 ft.
deep, l~ ft. baok from beaoh line and 121 ft. E of said SW corner
of said Lot 1;
Thn W a.long this line to E margin of said Olympio Hy. to pt of
bgn, Contain 1.488 aores.
Also, AI I tidelands of the second class, formerly owned by the State of Washington
situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon Govt meander I ine in front of Govt
Lot I, 26-22-4W.W.M., lying Sly of a I ine described as fol lows: Commencing at the
N 1/4 corner to sd Section 26; th S 890 44' 45" W alg the Nly boundary of sd Section
26, 192.93' to the Ely r/w line PSH #9 (Olympic Hiwayl; th S 440 41' 42" W 479.23' alg
sd Ely r/w I ine tap which bears N 510 37' 36" W 20.2' from the NWly corner of Tr 119
of Plat of Potlatch Bch Trs, Vol. 4 of Plats, pg 26; th S 440 28' 45" W alg sd r/w
661.56'; th S 420 40' 25" W 39.86' to an iron pipe on the Nly I ine of tr heretofore
conveyed to George Simpson by deed recorded in Vol 39 of Deed, pg 498; th S 350 46' 42" E
134.66' to the NEly corner of sd George Simpson Tr and the POB of sd line; th continue
S 350 46' 42" E to the I ine of extreme low tide and the terminus of sd line.
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Timber I Unimprond
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TOTAL Oystlr
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Impr~v.d Improvements I B. of E.
(BlIirdin91), VALUE
J/.dl/j/ll'./733~O .333.3-10
:(tJ'/Ooo 21(,,700 '/.:1, 0 lea
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