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Ve.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS j .76 SALE PRICS Rd. :t PUO I FPO -1-1-1- - #4300 --54- 1.Ii 11 i= C F 401Q.lf e 9t ny ~~o.. ~" ...2- .1.- $5500 61 189906 Fred Williams et UX J( ...L M ..L-.L -'=- J1. ,. jetty J Williams OJ. 'J() 70 9842 Pierce - - - I-- - - - - . I-- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -F - -- - - ,--- ~-- -.----_:.._--------------------- ----~ -~ ~ ---------- - - --- ~---------------- --~..' ---- NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA nONS v.., OJ.tar Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL ~~ Timber Unimproved haproved Improvementl B. of E. (Building.) VALUE .blL , QIl I, .30 .30 -9- 1250 12,0 ..6.L... " qO T. 1,00 1500 ..6.4- 1750 1750 ..6.L >,<1. 2190 2190 .IU...- 312, 112, .lIL ~Il<t 62,0 ~?"Il .lL 10000 1,0 101,0 &. Joot :2 0 co 0 300 .?C306 1:; .....f..,... ':<1"", ~i.../.-'./.: ,~/ 66'" ZL /, 7tJt:'C 50 .3a 1.7000 ;; a Q ,,t{" 73005 g5' 7/tJoc! 55()C) 7t.5oo . , I LOT BlK. 1'11..':2'2' I 'q </ I n'(') '/ ,-5 ID lEe. TWN. RGE. 4 Tr 13 of G 1. 2 & T~ 714,..JlJ. .L .~~__O'-.___~__......;.... .... -.----..-.... -._-___..-'>>.l..~.. _.:'0<: " "' Formerly S 125' of Nt Lot 2 E of Hy & Tax 714B-2 & AB-2 ,- I . I . I , I . "--e. . ... ~ -- -- --- --' - ----- - -~,.~ .. DISTRICTS ;; "...; Y..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Port IpUDIFPD SALE PRICEl Rd. Ioh, ..54- ~r981 nn,." g. A~,DC l\Ty.,D ... "... -lL. -1.- -1_ -L- - -4.0.-.-- $.f}J9~'J A~9i:' o NYll ..L rJl.6. II ...L ...L ..L.... SD' V2.rL W/J,; h'"""", &'~L. #~"o/'J' ;':;"''7- ~ ~//A O. t= .frif()5~ ,t).L ILf?J .J.... i.d JL .L L ~ iL t1!L~ E. 'JJ, U 1I1:{{>li3 4/.3'119 T- .. , 0 {L()b "'.<~ I-- - - - ~ - - - - -- - - - ~ - - - - f-- - - - - - e.-- - - - - I-- -I ._--~{-----~-~------~-----------~-----------_. --------------------------~----~-~-~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Oyst8r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved ImproYM Improumenb B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE - 66 3.00 3.00 2 % 190 190 70 5 % 380 380 71 3.00 3.00 2200 7020 9220 E... f ^I I..{.oo /0'/0 "f 0 / ;r "{4. 0 ) 0 G " 2L ::;-- ....' ~:>.;-, - -. , . -- ~j XL 7 ,'? 0,) /-I:::" () /'IJ:o~ .., Od n. (! r h' 1,1.' J j.j ~ I 7 II iJ I. ia-. -8-. C\ - , ; LOT BLK. . : CD ; SEC. TWN. RGE. , a:LJ j : : "'~ - .j. , - '. .'" .., .. . . .. -.', ~ '~", .- ," of Nt- Lot 2 --: Formerly Tr 1A ~ . .~, N Descript:ion in Deed !:look ,. D.,.,d No-W4D53 '!I Tt:ac l of land lying 5 of a hne es tabhshea oy ffie tollOlnng agreement (VoL 69 of Misc. Page 79) On the E line of the above section 14, 411.1 ' (N SS. 10'W) there is an iron J;'v~ ~ vu ~ue"'beach; ~om saLd pOSt produce a line N IltS. 10' W 130. 7S' to hub, located on W nf' Hv .' f',.nm' t-hi" huh . rrl'Vhl("A a liRe N 6a. W to W I line of Et of Section. i I -::::--.~.~- -_._-~-- -- ----- ----- --- ,---. .' - - .- .' .. 11/3'7/" , - ;, .;NW"':;:'; , ,