HomeMy WebLinkAbout422144100020 DISTRICTS -0;,,-- . V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. &h. Port I PUD I FPD SALE PRICEi ----- #J.IJ/L' 62 WID G F Wolfe et we Bert Toler 2 1tQ!L.lL -LJ_....L...._ - -S625n 62 193082 Bert Toler et we ~/ I 12di fI 1..L.L.1L 66 2l~~H~O Reinhold R Tlnon; D 0" nv ~/\. 1^ - - ~ ---- I- - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - l- I ----~-------------------------- -~-----------------------~------------------:4IIr~~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS V..r Oylwr Tlmb.r Unlmprov~ Impro'l~ TOTAL Oyd., Tlmb.r I U,lm"",d Improv~ jlmprov.menb B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ..6..L . ~n .~O ??<; 1&110 1~?5 .1!L ~n<f. I.~n ?ROO "?50 .2L lOOO ",,?O 4620 Z'3 1) '-0 '-'1 l lc:L .., --2 fJC' 0 7';.--(0 'j ;;. '1-0 /<lC J 24- --e -6 -6' 15- c2fJao 1.?- 40 'j,;z. ,/,j K -e-- ~ 0 70 ~5oo 135'30 J!?:J3 _, 7b ~ .e- 77 J/SCD 135':<'1 /~dO _......{J 11 (-~ -1=., ~ . K 45(0 /353r /S0.3D JK ,50 , ..$0 -e- -e--. -e 79 t.fSO[) 13530 , IP03C LOT BeK. --- . WI. TWH, RGE. J}1;z.~.,2.: I: <(f;:' J O:O;Q~ ,l!t 22. 4 Tr ^ ~ G L ..' '., ./.,.Jc.',..~, .- - : /FormerlY Tract 2 of 1ft c.vt. Lot.2. s ~U' ot tollowing description: "1 ,~ ....-'.....~ \ Com at intersection of N line of Gavt Lot 2 with Wly R/W line 'Pf Primary State HlghWay iN (Olympic Highway); th W along N line of Gavt Lot 2 / ~60'. JDOr<O' or l~$s. to . poj,nt t/hfil"9 an--~Ung--<:GnCt;Q1;8 mOlllEloot has been set and established by agreement recorded in office of Auditor in VOLume l~' ,ot DeedS. page bb'; th SWly, parallel to and 260' distant 1..._- '.n, nh.' ,..,~ -~ ....!Ughway-. a distancll of 275'. more or less. to an existing concrete momnnent established by said agreement; th E. paraLlel with N l1ne ot Gavt Lot 2. ~60'. more or less. ~~.~ly R/W llinp nf' h;g~y: th bltly along Wly'D/U '." .... L' . '. or less. to I P. I ..,~. i-----j . . '. . , .- .~ I I I I I I I I I .' ---. . I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster limb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements . B. of E. lBuildim)lo} VAlU~ 17- ,5d ,5d ,] r -' .KA- 1.>:'00 1'3.>:'30 /Rt!J36 gQ.. --e '-CJ "0 el 1;l.::<5(.; I~ 'I tJJ' S' 3h:J~.s- g( ---G ---(-) -D- X':: 1--' /.&;l ;:;v ..)<lOJ'~ 3&3~) ,Yd. -f?-- -c~ --E9-- 12.. --" /:;;'':''50 .;J Lj :)[;'"':; .3~~~, : f3 ----0, ---c.... ,8.. e-, !!t. ,5'0 ,5'0 12Z5'O Z';o?5 .. 3~ .335 .!f!t. ,5Ci /5::> ~ --<9-- -t9- -'- ~ f---'''' .----- -- e---' / ~ OCJ 0 ~'2. !?oo 3'Ho Cl ~ -e G-- Q- ,. " , . ~, """,-