HomeMy WebLinkAbout422142400120 , ""'Ill Ye.n FlI. No. ./1 NAME of OW~E' /': '\ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS )'.:: _J SALE PRICE , .# I ,1 ~1 1 Rd. $ch. I Porl PUD fPD -- 9/72 :20.!sa' 1 U.~ I' " ,/ ;l- I !.. ;/1 .J'/:J;).<J; 7 273219 Canal Investmpnt Tn~ /~ h-oAnne Brittle d... ~, I t/ ft :ro CJ !in ~hl:N-:) -' 7, ('".., (Urvr..)' P-. :.Up 0 /;;'/d !?/ .L ~I f..I I I L II ~/~G - b",.fl.d.f, J/,;.,J,r .J. ,-;, .~ ~ '1sJ'77f 45~7bl d 1;- I'^ OO~ .~~~ 8jg&, Itf51P1G-S ,fA ":: II ~ A I,Q "'" 7'Sd'~-d f .-"- d '.... I I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS t. 3'0 Y..r Oyder Timb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unlmpro....d Improved Improvements I. af E. (8ulldin~') VALUE 11," 5',/ ~:.~J 9~ 3;;- c"' -lIS- "', "'7 '. 5:::- "/:'/l ,~ -' -,' ,.- I ~-~' /- H I; . / .... ( ,l,) c:, -- , / ,- 6 ,,) ".- .- 11,X ,"/1- :; J,Ot./- ?,od 3:: '7,G 32i.o 9,/ //J ') /0 ". ) " 0 ,1 uo g5 '..' , .. //,',' /,j,,-',) C LOT ILK. E2}l.i?_: J: </./ <f. O:() ./.l. i o. SEC, TWN. RGE. , .. , :l'l;. 1.~, of..JJ i. I , 2L_A -, --- " , - .-- -. - __._-- _..L._._...........-:.. ~ -f'Orln.vJ.<-o: k I;;;J., 1> ~ OW '1L{ .~ Commencing at the southeast corner of said N'I/ -i, thence' N 88D03'll" W along the south line of said NW t 747.92 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing N 88D03'1l" W 495.00 feet; thence North 634.44 feet; thence ~1 850 54' 09" E 246.02 feet to intersect a curve from which the center bears S 72DOO'43" E 250.00 feet distant; thence southerly along said curve through a central angle of 40025'03" and arc distance of 176.35 feet to a point of tangency; thence S 22D25'46" E 215.78 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 400.00 feet; thence southerly along said curve through a central angle of 23D46'16" and arc distance of 165.95 feet to a point of reverse curvature and the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 150.00 feet; thence through a central angle of 30007'02" an arc distance of 78.85 feet to a point of tangency; thence S 16005 '00" F. 97.82 feet to the POI/iT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Sly 3 acres thereof. ~,~.=_:.-, --~ --~,-- -,' --, - - - ~.-