HomeMy WebLinkAbout422142400110 Y..r 7~I.NO- ../1 NA"'4,of OW~ER,lj 'II ; I /,[ . .~ONTRACT TO DISTRICTS , ~ SALE PRIC~.c. l!. :2SJ15 /I .d, Sch. I Port PUD fPD I .." rAh7.7...~5 'v 't 1k,T) ;~e 'J1 kt~ / "#3.?-730 8/72 272894 Canal Investment, Inc. J. '. Irvine,i'. II / L Itj /'II!. ~~"._, '%,;1. ;(OnO,3 c-zd~ ~ // ~, :51 L k<;,,, J.-. I I L 1L 3-IE'o"R'~n ''/ 8.), I I-Of/.;.r; I UA');( \-"",'~" )11<,,";;,./.4....1 ' 1"\ '""'80= ( /ALJ ~ 14/~M"" riLL. . ~~ ",0 I v l$'ff~"'50MA ~:? " /. /\ ;/ ~-~, /f 7) L 1ri'J'4t'N/,)t? t1 / ./ . . . ., . Yo., I Oy".. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ~.?o Timb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL O,st.,. nmbar Unlmptoy.d Improyed Img:ov.m.nh I. of E. ( ulldlnvsl VALUE 1" ~-,r .1 ;;; cd- -- ~ f:' ~- /"') ",.-;"\ /~ .. , . /'- 7': .- -- -'_J' -- / /- -.' -' - "".' :=: /-) /" t. , .' /. .-:-'/.- t: ce;.2~ ,. -J . " - - .xL c '-, 7 .'"" - /t. 7.(,) /131,:, ", r;s l--' /!:: .!J6 ,'-j /!:,-(Jtbn LOT ILK. ~i2.~ I.<I,L ~ <I D.Oj ./ ;ot SEC, TWN, RGE. ,... . .22 II .~ BW 1: , . ,.4. Tr . .., -'~ -. -.. -......-- .- --- ~. Beginning at the southeast corner of the said NW t, thence N 88003'11" W 747.92 feet along the south line of the said NW t; thence N 16D05'OO" W 97.82 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 150.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 30007'02" and arc distance of 78.85 feet to a point of reverse curvat~and the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 400.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 20027' 1" an arc distance 142.79 feet; thence S 87050'02" E 909.06 feet; thence S 2009'58" W 266.89 feet to the POIlIT OF BEGINNING. ~..."..,--. '-,--,-_.., -. v 'hi.:" ~ T /tL. ~~NE.J, 'i//E~ x,-:,! .2), . '~.;.,~ ,1/,(fJ) HL/i .,jj~L.!' /.' /V'~3'" /9;,; 7Nr'",~_ / -' .;s '" / ~ / ;r-- 'l-