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V.., Fllt No. NAIIE of OWNER CONTfUCT TO DISTRICTS 320 SALE PRICE Rd, Ioh. Port I PUD 'PD , 3:> - - .2.,h2 267p35 Dorig Vp-nstrom Griffiths C~,.,~l Inv Co 2 3Q1 H 1 / L #:?t)~,?s- !JJ.' (i, ':I..L I. --14., - .B/J.2 :<7/ 't7f lit 32280 It - - - - 1/133 ~. e.", Waft 1L J, .VV 4.., 57~ ~L-e. I' " n ..L I ( L uJl? "I +-1-I5'fd ..tIu ;, d ~ r~) =l/5'1'f:1- ~!J p~ I- - - w.o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----...:;;.;~:'---- ---~---~:..:..:.._----------- --------- ------------:.--.--- -------_._--~ :"'-_:-~~.--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 11.';0 Y.., OJ.tar Tim_ Unlmgroved ImproYlc:l TOTAL Old.r Timber UnImproved Improved Improvementl B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE LL 5.0;,J. .5. (J ;,; k:6'} S- '::;00 . -';00 M 37.5 /70 '73 /,-C,- 27~ .- 7""30 -,-, Ir; /..,/ c; :i.;z ..:: , '7,;<5 - , ~ .. 7~ /. j.;> 2',",'::'.) XL ..50 ., ..5 0" 1c'3/0 / /~ '? I ,) g~ 1S"t:!bo /.5:060 , LOT BLK. .' :'. .. .. lEe. TWN. RGE. Eill..i L: I .</'l <I 0.0 / ,,;O~ , , A t .-iA C"'.'.;. '" .-. ; "," , - , .. 0, . . , .;~ .'~ -- / 'T''h~+. pnrt:inn nf" t."'p NWt of' ...~p~t.; nn H., Township 22 North, RA.Il<J:p. 4 WPR1: 01' W.M j in M~~nn r.nlln+'YJ W!:l~'h;net.("m, n pf::u~T'i npn A~ -rnl1nw~. r.nmmp.n~i ne At: +''hP ~n1l"t.n_ p,~~+, f'nT'nAT' nf" t:'hp 1=::A; n NWt, t.hpn~p N ?Ooq1tiR" R ?hh R9 f"ppt. s::!lnne t.11p PARt. linp nf' Qj::!i Ii NWt +.n t."'p 'POTN'!' 01> 'RRGTNNTNr. ; +.hpnt"'p N R7D'iO'O:;>" W 90Q.Oh -fppt: i:n ;n+,pT"Rt:lof"t: ~ t"'l1T-V"P from wni,..l; t.np ("pntAT' nPAT'R N h4D1'i109" R AOO.OO TPPt. n; < . a 'a~1" "' n~" 00; n +"'~n""'" 0 ., ---, - -<' ",D10'()'i" o~ o~n n; n<' >')'Z ,~ "'nn" .._ nn;~" nf' . " ??O ?5' 4h" w ?15.7R f'PP+'j +''hpnt'''p f1 R9DOO'3R" R 1009 33 -PAPt:. +.hAnf"p f1 ?009' 5R" , W 237 70 f'P,j:I+, +.n +.hp 'POTN'!' 01' 'RRGTNNTNG ........ - ------- - - ----- , , - ----- .. - , ..=::~