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Year Fl!. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICT~ '=520 SALE PRICE' Rd, Soh, Port I PUO FPO -I CU'-Z,!!J:> ---- 2/:l.2., gf?75~5' nf'lri q VPol"lq+.rnm r..,...i-f-fi+''hq C:::Jn:::Jl Tnv. CO. ? ...MM JL ...L I .~ ,jt3o~Y5 , If~ p, of f II' - Ii; 32281 ~ ;<7/tJ7! ,., - - - - ~ tJ~uu.~u :3fJ./p 32.1545 fl .11' _7J.l. ( l.t , .. -1J;.3 6~o J,- - - - . -,J,;. :hf 1:&7355" ;(~j' J. ,/J,~L.^, " " " - - - - - %t'> \J7<1? 1'1 11~ a! 1Jt.../ J ' J# 7?1~1 51/ ..L if!d Ltt .-L .L .L If V / II.nIJ/ .J ,"'.... .... - I-- , - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----. ,~ . _~;::____________~_~_______~_~~=_=~~_______=~=_:~~__:_~=___.___::~~~~~_c~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oyd.r Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyd.r Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Improvement. B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 71 .c~1 tJ / 50 '7 tfJ _ 50S- 6-0 ~- /d ,/" 0 -/, ~ ,) 7;;.. .300 .5' 7 S- E 4..- -,; .- ~ ~ -:c () ~ ~ K 1/ , ( -- ;: ,./ (i 0 & --j :/0 /,j 6,'; /. , -' - . /,1' - I // (/;' ~ <. ; 1_") 1/..... ,:2, 4' :...'~ ,~,J/~ 77 If-f; /. ,,~;' ~ I'i-o ;<1<{..0 U '7'1 Oil 1'100 'l!:i" /. If 6- j, $/l- 9CJCJo 9t'JCJO ---' , LOT BLK. S.EC, TWN, RGE. Ellz.lz: I . </ l ~,q,O:1 : <flil , - '.... .' ~::-'" lfg,9.Fi4-9 qfNl<!l.l; . . , "-'>''''" ..... , -'..: I . , "- . - :.:A ;,.._-~" ~; -:tutd 1t(..Q~ I:r(.., #,)W'{-( ~ract D 6f SPffi261 ftFffi 320437Y TI:1~t portion of t1:l~ ""'l- 9f "'eC'tion 14, "'o'"'tl!:'hip 22 Fortlc:i, R~ng" 4 Wwst 9f W M in Mason Co'mty, W~~ningto'1, De~C'riQed as foJJo'os" C<:'''llIlwnr.:i''6 at thll ,;;o"th",,,€t oornllr of said NWi-; theno~ ~T J D40'33" E 812.()0 f,,~t along thw "'9"t liRG of said "cHi; th'inC9 9,,~t 1014 88 feet; t<19nC9 N 13019'33" F 98.75 f9Qt to ..J thQ point of ):l9ginning; t"enr.:e Fa..t 576.03 fe~t; thenr.:9 5 24D06'34" '" 138.00 o " distancQ 183.68 f o " a C'lr"Q to;? thQ right I'>a"ing Q radi".. of 55 00 feet; thwn-:,'i "'e"t9:t'l"' ,;mo norther1J' ",long ~aid o'lr"w thro'lgh a cent~aJ a"il1.. of 1 ()7D 25' 24" an ~rc distancQ of 103.12 fw"t to ... pojnt of b.ngen~J'; tnon~e ~T J 3019'33" E 292.;;2 '" t t e Nly line .:.~:~: