HomeMy WebLinkAbout422142200190 ,.. Y.., AI. Nil>. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS , - - PRICE , SALE Rd. 5c:h. I Port PUD fPD 1?,c25'JJ5 , i'9'~.3'i'.7 7~ U7:;;;.~5 Doric Vcnct"rorn Griffitts anal Inv. Co. " 104 ~T 1 I L :1 #3-';,')1 ~17'~' , _:IT' ?77r-C,7 - -- ._--- - .:c.?,.~de::" J'1 , s~(\on 7Yr--€'.12cl51? ~td~a ~ 1/ II ,f'1 I I/(,t/ /I ( I L fI I.}T'> ~5 ~P- -;:), (L ... , Je-'+'"It.+1. ) /, 'iJJ. 't1 //,;".-,,, ^, " '/ S-II, U V ')U(JU \ , "--- e=- .. . ..' , ..,. I I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~. I'n Y..r I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmpro't.d Impro.,1td Im~rov.m.nfl I. of E. I ulldlngll VALUE 7;; / ,/:} "r , .~ .l/.< I/j- , - B.. bC5 ~zO </<;/j /H . " " , " , , , .. J Y/ . 1!n5.:,) n;..;u r , . ' , / . gs - /5"3oc, J.s-3d:'"1 LOT BLK. tlliJ 7. : / :<t 2J). oil i'1l]1 SEC, TWN, RGE. Z '_C,,' <' , LoA. ....22... ~- TI"act .1.9 .of ~__ .. .. ,. --..<-...... - ~... . .. , """'--.' . r COI'lT!le~~ine at t"-lp S7[ corner of 1'~r.}; thence N 10 liQ '33" E 1435 I [:1 "ne t}~e W line of saio TTW-};" tl,ence 'S ,11 0' ~~ :r.:.o.; thence 'fiT 33h I to intersect the SJ:r ;.;~:Y'Lin c:' 1t!"1? J-,ake C'.,2Dm.nn R :;ad at q f'lir.t on a C'..l1"'V~ frn~ 1','1'j~:- :':f' ('<'''>!It''!' >:P:ITP ~- :::(011'13" ~ t=37.!1F' nirtnJ1_~; tlJ.enc"" El y alonE" Raid "T'n!-H~ rnnrcin ~_18n[ f' Cl'..rve tC' tll\, le""'t :thrOlJ.c;h fl c(~ntr[tl ~mEle of 34053 t 51" (-~r "'~Y'C dir~tHn~e ,:,f 327.3F.i'; ~reY1cc ~ [lOI.?13C.II '!,' 10' nlnrJ' tr-:P. ~ll...re.:_n ,-p "n~.d ]"rn.rl t" D :r~:nt f-r-r:: \'.':--ic'" centcrlirr> ,-,+" said T'11f'<1 rrrrn ~... EO,1?'3QH '7 r.;r';.istnnt; -h:~r.cf' ~"'_y aln:::.~ said rrmd f1a2"'::ir al....r: a cu"''''re t,... trp. left ':1aving a r2.diu.s I_'~ 5?'"'.."r::', sairl eurye running tl:rrn['- H certtal nn~18 o~ 1 ~o011/l9" R1"' FL1:'C Qi:..~tancr; c'f 110.75' to a p~Jint of tR.TIt:encYi t}-1c;;c~ F" ~9015')3lf Z 30<:.73'; thf''lP(' S qOt:j115?1f W 304.10'; tr,~nC8 S 'lO?113~".J 1:5.101; trence or! ~::?.51t t"l I.F. ----,-. -. ...-.-....--.:....- .-