HomeMy WebLinkAbout422142100161 .. Y.., Ale No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2:-:S- SALE PRICE Rd. kit. I Port PUD I fPD L-J 0/1' 274116 lR. ~4 ! I ~:, /JO cJ Doris Venstrom Griffiths A. Endicott 2 Hl/L'H ~ 1 77,} 11 j_1. !f.trhn J'J) i/: f!'-?/;/,; Ji'1 I lvoM If / I I Iff , !k 1.:177 /):J. /ff7 " L ..0 ,e j(J~./)/ n..J.. . 1;'7 S.y$.J8' "'''~ /r/7? f1Z1~/t ~i't .A EZ t:/n ,~;~ lL.,~ #' k~:- -:57671' ":'06 ~ l%'t?1j'1 VJ~~~ 1J,,-~~ Y ~. r_ -?'.T/) ~"'G"'6/?" --itk /4.J"7.Rx 1~~huL /f,'1MI/(Jj',U.t. D/;w-. ti.tkH_~ jr_ 938';:/:, / - .'..,. . . . I NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Y.er I Oyne, Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timbu Unimproved Impro't'lMl Im~ro"'.m.n" I. of E. ( ulldlnQI) VALUE 7.; /-' .' /./;-- /. - . - /,:,5' ./~ ~~o ~~ 7~ /. /<,'-, /.r' /. /~ ~ /-1 - :: //1 ,,2-:' '''7.-:2 ' ~ }~ ? ---,- 11', ,/-;-" "," .::?r;., . -.-- 6"'-' lJ /</' I "C":: Ci'1tJn 11-/1, IJ j ,-;'1. '700 'A ~ /tJt')CJ 0 9C{)00 S'.s-om LOT ILK. EiIZl 2.: I . c.f .2./ J).O:/ :h,J! SEC, TWN, RGE. ~,. 4 I:ract 16, Aof ~. . - -- '. .- -'--- , ., -'._~.'~ -- , ~. That portion of the NWt of Section 14, Township. 26 North, Range 4 West W.M., in Mason County, Washington, described as follows: CCMMENCING at the southwest corner of said NWt; thence N 1040'33" E 1435:00 feet along the west line of said NYI%; thence East 1072.51 feet; thence S 0024'36" E 72.54 feet; thence N 88018'10" E 510.74. feet; thence N 18057'07" If 274.21 feet; thence N 19029'15" E 324.97 feet; to the point of beginning; thence continuing N 19029'15" E 133.24 feet to the southerly margin of the Lake Cushman Road; thence N 69015'33" E 285.00 feet;mthence N 20044'27" W 5.00 feet to a point at the be- ginning of a cu:rve from which the center bears N 20044' 27" W 761. 20 feet distance; thence northeasterly along said cu:rve through a central angle of 5034'33" an arc distance of 74.08 feet; thence leaving said road margin S 24021'08" W 107.17 feet to the beginning of a cu:rve to the left having a radius of 500.00 feet; thence southerly along said cu:rve through a central angle of 9011'19" an arc distance of 80.19 feet to a point of tangency; thence S 15009'49" If 155.21 feet; thence N 76050'02" If 272.40 feet to the point of beginning. .. --e-'-- --::;