HomeMy WebLinkAbout422142100160 .. 'IllIIIl YHf file NCl. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 0:.- r;' .P Rd. $eft. Port PUD fPO SALE PRICE 72/ 274114 Doris Ventsrom Griffiths 10/7 27U15"" " .estland B1drs /0.9- )14//</-5 /;/n#- ./ fl/:up../7" i. gl 1 WAf; f.I I 1 I If{ l0:q ~7U/(J (g.d "",j) tL ';f~'/ '. .~ ~~0'--1gf .PJ1.dl 7/:.' ~d~ W /f;-j 1,g5S'16 1Jl~ g, ~ J'(..(./ ' ~13:!1775 rh 3rf.7101 ~377~1~ Wtl l1t /14'i' ~. o/'g, 1J/1,,-039 :).t..~-tiLL {j)-lL.dlr. (Q''IJ~;P %51 /f.:,'((I_"c; ~ /" /' l-=)siJ Canal Inv. Inc 2 401 H 1 / L I H j 1t33365 .#,3'1/6.0 ,r", "'''<<Y<f 7 .i- ~C"- ~, jj 1tJ_,?J-r/ 1p'1-'rJ "7"" ' in;'?,:l",,, ,Z! ImIL 0 'H Zl.. Qn,-,,g~ . . rL.......1 ~ , J J/,,';,;""'a.s;p 1~",50 0" 1.-: D.:<? *6#106 ~ Wl'.....~~t' W.A /I '1 iW e,----- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ". Ve.r Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber Unlmpro....d Improvtd Improvements (8ulldlnQI) I. of E. VALUE . . . -- " ?6 ~Lj:.-~ /?? 75- ",:/;:J 7;;. 7; !!L -'7" / -> ;::.~ 0 - :> ...;......0 ; /~c;:- j ( , " 0""','""' ,-:: ,.:.i ,-'-:-:J- / '.:; /j';;- j ~ .' :7/ lu / /!,' I/S' 'IO(;r ~b?j 7110() 3b f;d 4 22 4 ILli 2.i z: , <{ 2/ () /) / t. tJl Tract 16 of NWtP~ ~c . LOT BLK. SEC. TWH. OGE. ._---_._"._.~....'--"-.~-~,.:... That portion of the NWt cbf lleetion 14, Township 22 North, Range 4 West of W.M., in Mason County, Washington, described as follows: CCMMENCING at the southwest corner of the said N1\Ih..... hence N 1040'33" E 1435.00 feet along the west line of said NWi; thence East _.51 feet; t S 0024'36" E 72.54 feet; thence N 88018'10" E 510.74 feet to th nt of Beginning; th N 18f57'07" W 624.21 feet to the southerly margin of ake Cusman Road; thence N 6901 "E 51i0.00 feet; thence N 20044'27" W , to a point at the beginning of a curve from l' the center bears N 20044' 27" il 761. 20 feet distance; thence northeasterly along said c hrough a q,entral angle of 5034'33" an arc distance of 74.08 feet; thence leaving said road m . "24021'08" ~1107.17 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a rad~~'of 500 fee , ce southerly along said curve through a central angle of 90lJ.~'~''''' an arc distance of 80. t to a point of tangenyy; thence S 15009'49" W 170.k'feet to the beginning of a curve to t 'ht having a radius ,.- of 500. 00 feet~'e southerly along said curve through a central ang 16052' 02" an arc .Jli.8t:lli'iCe of 147.19 feet to a point of tangency; thence S 32001' 51" W . to,-ttle'Point of Beginning. ...1'-"'" /,{.-/9 AI I that ptn of the NW of See 14, Twp 22, R 4W, in Mason Co. WA Particularly daf: Commencing at the SW corner of the NW, said See Twp and !3ang~d.,tb_enc_e.%~sJ~~40'33" E 1435.00' along the W I ine of said NW; thence E 1072.51' ;/,t'tJ'6nce'1f'B8"18'10" E 510.74' thence N 18057'07" W 274.21 I to the POB: thence N 18057'07" W 350.00', More or less, to the Sly R/W I ine of the Lake Cushman Rd; thence N 69015'33" E along said Sly R/W line 285.00'; thence S 19029'15" W 458.21' more or iess, to the pOB. EXCEPTING therefrom the road rights of way. -, ---- . .' ,.~ .'-- ~';'" " j 1/",;.