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Yur Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DrSTRIC:r.SJ~ SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port jPUD FPD _I- I (LF~.P.!7 -1-- ?/7~ U75g5' Doris Venstrom Griffi ths Canal Inv. Co. 2 !Q!.. .1L ..l. L L ""..!'b3'75 - ,,/7~ 26Q022 'tlu/J1d, I) /f I # 31057 . - - - $ G:J50.00 1!(J-~-~17 olJo'&K-aI k~ k, I" . ',1{ )I,', , '7\. Ph "1l. '. l~d - - .~..3l7rJ57 k? ~( Ji. ...L L L 1L , 1/}, R .rf:.fI.fJ. L_ ;.1,5'50 2fp.,. ~o.J-~ 3J7oo{ -;- - - - - -ff,8;::;oo ~/gd 376<1CJ7 ('! ./1, Zd me ){I"/It.,, , .iT d.., ~ ~ CJ, /I i'o s-, - - - - - - DOc> - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I .___~~":-::''::';~_:',::-________________-:-'u__:-~-:_'". > ,.... -"0=",'== . ~_,._._~ _.~ ~,_ _;;'~''::'::'_:''":!~_JP'.=_::' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Veer ()y'~1r Tlmb.r Unlmpro.....d Improv.d TOTAL DYlter Timber Unimproved Improved IrnlHovemenb B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE E .!J-'O I ':;-'0/ 5tJo ~-Oo 7;.: /. . '- //'.--. " f,; if (J 3~o '700 ; .' ~ / J;; :/ " , - ~-- ;:;;- - b' , ~3o O/Lc:, .-- L ! ~' ;,;; ~ '- - . -', "-- u.. c/ /. ./ - /- ." - /:7' /")0 //5 .l!L ,,1. - ,.;u'- {, (/ ?~ [.0 1k.. j;:5"O ~7..:jQ %L 1,33 /,3.. i r- (OO() /17oD g~ ? It, "0 loa 97{,0 . , LOT BLK. .- $.EG. TWN. RGE. E'! jJ J2 ,'cft I "().~ .;, .... "".. . ,C C...,. ,~. ,...... .,',,",'" .~ . '. .' ' " ,~ ." '. "": ..' ~. ,.- - ~~., . -~.- 't Tn~+' rn~t.inn n~ +'h~ wwi of ~f~T.;nn lA, ~nwn~n;p ?? Nn~+'nJ R~ng~ 4 W~Q+ n~ W M r- in Mo~nn C'!nnnt.y, Wf:lQning+nn, np!=:ll'T'i'hpn OQ t'nl'nwQ. ,...nmm~n,...;ng 9+ +no l=lnnt:npoQ+, ('n"r'npT' ",of' +.np ~ of' +.np wwt nf' ~.cl; n Qp,-.t.i f'\n Th"",,,,,...,,,,, N ?O()9' 58" li' 30 O? f'pp+, olnng tho Pf:lQ+, linp of' ~o;n NWiJ T.npnf"p W h7~,39 f'~~t. Qt tn~ 'P()TNl'J1 {)H' l:rRf:.TNNTNf1.. +.hpn,..p W 34 no f'AP+ +n t.ne:> 'hog; 'rm; T1[:nf' ? "'l1.,..,r~ +n o " rrdn-r. "t' +~ngon"'Jr: +'npnf"e:> N 7704RIOhll W 4' < An f'~l$'+ to i~te-r9~~t a linw :At n r,Pg; n"rd 'rig of' 0 f"11T"'\T':' +'1""1 t:'hp r; gn+. t'r-nm wni,...h +'hA ro.o.n+'pT" Qear9 S 670 ~51 00" If _". ( 5no no f'Qt:lt: rH (d:!)n+.: +.npnf'f;I nn,...t:"PQR+'t::o,...1 J/ 9' rmg 9~; d "l1J"'1''S' i:"l-J:rQ~'l&'h iI ",,contI'''' ong' 0 nf' 90 4h '5' ff on 0""" n; R+ont"'o ("If' P.5 3(\ TPl'lt. 1;;"" ern; 1"'1+ of +~nee-1"('~T: +.'hpnf"p N 3?O()1 '5111 R 41A.,49 f'ppf: tn +.hp hoeinning n+' 0 ,..111...."~ +n +h"" 1~.p+ 'h~v;ng ~ T"~nilJ~ nf' 500.00 f'ppt:j t.h""n~p nnl'"t:npT'ly ~lnng ~Q;n I"'ll.,..,rc. +.nT'fme'h !? ~ ~pntT'~l ~na1p of' 1h0'1/'f)?" ~m QT'I'" ni~+'~nl"'P of' 1d7 19 f'ppt: +.n Q rf"dnt: n-f - t~ngpn~y; t:hpn~p N 1'1009'A.9" F. 10 9? f'ppt:j t.npn~p ~ R70~()t()?1I R '93 ()4 -PPPt.~ t.hp.n~p. S ?OOq I '1R" W / .A / o/-SlbO V/ IV 375' t hhl _?h f'ppt. t.o t.l1p 'PorN'!' 01' 'RF,(HNNTNr. .I2-Z- h:. (,~ ~, -/7' 2./5' --.;...;~ -_._~----, -~-------------~. -~---------~-- ~ vf d- ~ /1 I I.. /7 Zb ~ }j ;.{1."'- 'jf<--1./ /..bI~ p. ,/ c, '~M/ ' . " !,/ t-l~' ,~- !' ' L, '..~ './' J&.-, t;..,l , f r _.e.;/ vc..9. j~&f--'U> " '-..::./'" 0 e.l ~__ /,,/4 ,