HomeMy WebLinkAbout422142100030 Ylar File No. NAME of OWNER t -,-~ DISTR~CTS 1?0 SALE PRICE Rd, Be" Port 1 PUD FPD I U{-~5 ;9!7 ---- 2.iJ2... j,,1~ft5 D.oris Vp.nstrom Griffiths Canal lnv. Co 2 AQ.4.. .lL .l L L #~n5 W2.... '~:h II 31769 ?707,~ +- - -,- - - $-62~I).OO ~ ,~(; /.'FJ/.tl I~_. I . .~.TTf.1 AJ- 14 -1- ~ 'jd,,~.l/--.3fl~7 .fu 3Jo ffCJ '7 II /, ."... (f'" III _1_1- #.$'"307:l. ~(L. k~:I', - ~ [-?iff II S 1 Yj 'i!!i JL it ~. .L I I I.b. "'IJJ 111--1/10 ~J-' . 7l "6 ~ 1.,5) b':~-7s1, x-t';r.J:- Id~' ;.'<<" .. -e.;r- -;goo D~ r9.tf 4/4iJ51g -j,..n ;\ ~~ (ClHE~/f!.') I. WO 11'Y';!..'j'!-;:;- , E, )'lX; __1- $/5000 a&J '" - - - - - - - ='=1= - - I - - -1-- - - -- -I- - - ----<41'~_:~~~---------~~---------~-----~-------~-. ,. . ..'~,~. , .,,'. ~~=======-=~=-~=-~=------- p ....-- .' :'110: NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,:, ;Yo Vlar Oyder TImber Unlmtlroved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE // S,O--o ~5__ V -0 SOQ .5t>Q 7;;:< J1;f1 ;1'5' %5'" 90 /....7 h" C' ~7: 4130 ,..... '-- .I!t- ,- - , l ,') 0 ~, /..Jt. c 1 J ,) "1 '_ /. ye;: .J .'V * '-?" r-)d Suu 5?7.5"o f??t; Q ISoo(') /;; oc::o , LnT 8LK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~:Z.:/'():O~Orm:J , '" .. " ".,<,!,,".. ..... '.,' ',' ,'C'. ," .. . .'.. .. , . , ,,'I'. .," ,. F"~ - f ,..,...,~". t - That portion of the Nft of Section 14. Township 22'1(orth. Ran,g:e 4 West of W.M.. in Mtl.~9I'1 C911n"t~7 ~ wQ9}.,i"'\S'-+:-o'" ~O<:!\,Y';'h~d. :!l'i fQl]om~. Commencing at tHg .- ~<;"'tH"~ ~t C'('rngr of th.. ~ 9f thll }1W ]" of said ~eQtiQn thence N 2009 r 58" E .. 30.02 f....t along th.. ..ast Ii".. 9f ~.i<l NWt to tHe l'Q HlT OF EEGINNINC; tR8noc "'''lit 339.49 f.."t; th"rl<:''' N 2009'5!:l1f F 619.04 feet thence ~ 87050'02" E 339.25 ""..0+. +I- " .,O()Qr."" '" oln~" .~ ". .-" " >nu], C7C ." -"_ .. . ,~ ~ "" ~..~--------~ - --- -~ '- -- - ---~..., #-7413~:::> ~ ~HKS j j;;;E/JER. fi:r t/ >< 0611 {?c:;r/ ~E 1S9/V-1.%>