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Year FlI. No. ~.f.jq':<Jl5'""AMEofOWNER J. C. MeKiel ()~ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS '-- -:-~ ~ :.. SALE PRICE Rd. 8ch. Port PUD FPD ~ ..z..J<l? J.l LlL....._ ..:? ~~J! J....L L %1 I 114- 1-/ I ...Llb.1L 0/ } ./1,::- ()CJ ' - ----- ---- 1--- I-- -- ---~----,- ,~-------~-------------~-------~---------~---------~---------------------~~ r-...._.-:~. , . , . tAWI NUMBER OF ACRES - . . VALUATIONS Y.., Oyster Timber Unimproved Improwd. TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovlmenb (Buildings) B.of E. VALUE q 7 7:2 ~(!, ;~ ;",f':J f'"P. <)&> 6: cJ .J.1 ~ S.~ 5.<1111 Ej. -).f-J1.11 fzL s. 9,;zP g 3.;17 if? c..<i] H N1 ;/,j..l ,,;, '>( ~ iL 70 7J ?,q LOT BLK. , SEC. TWN. ., - ',.-"- /.J'':''~ ,.:..) 3/?b .3300 .3/'/-0 3~~o .:(7:Z0 .;<UO 2300 :J~)O 501,0 S'VJO 57J ,foX' .soc. 76,bO //t;&'O 1/370 &'0'/-0 5/t?5 1/196' ;<7</0 3if?o J'<jJ'd .,IJ d "./ ~ A';':~ "-7r..fIJ ,"-,' / .....-';/ 6/<5'0 //<15"0 /to /*0 /t./O /;;, 0 I~() q -0 ~() 30"..2/: /(P/,o 1/30 1; /<//cJ .-.;/) :::,/1,') ...l'l ;/, 61:/ (j Y< - ,': :j cJ 1~-'-. ;:/ ~ " c" RGE. ~ ~/ I'3:l~Z.1~o~~1 r .. -.Mll AY,. - so";';: .~;;;. ,. . 95'15 //970 /CC,,1 . "~-"C"'~~- - ---"-..'.... Alltt.l...of the 2nd e in fron[';f 'th;~60' 'of'\?t,Jl ~ee. 13-22-4 with front of .ltf;/2 Ie m/l measured along the ml . ,- App SISI ~~~ ~~/- ," -I- die /t?'/ /.P0".?~ I I124Y /9 '3 /3-2Z-C/ T/.../ 12 U . 14- 7.2--<'./ - --' I I .: . NU:BER OF ACRES Unimproved ImproYOd Y..r Oyder Timber /1/ , , , '. . 1,-; .1Z -l( ./ . /,D go 1/ ~ ~ ,:,;'. " i2. ~. " , &51~ C-, ~ ,;t" TOTAL I Oylter , ;-1'- ..-- ;.1. , 13.~:, 7IJ', -0- 17 J/'}^ ~ - ( F:4fJOO TImb.r -' I I I I I VALUATIONS UnImproved Improv.d I I . Impro....m.nb (Bulldingl) B. of E. 'IAlUE 1"--" /'T i -:-' J >__:79:....+ :__) /bOf7 'I.; 1" .- . , . /79/0 41~-..:29o ,~\ - 0 . . /:1::" /~- c e- ..J,S I. .- /D(013'' :::: ':> <--' / ,'~ ~ '- ::'bL:JO /l'lboo ; .