HomeMy WebLinkAbout422132270401 Y.., AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J.;lO;- SALE PRICE Rd. k'. Port PUO I fPO I i :~5161 4/73 278729 Jim Shumate et ux ana M.Hall 21"-0 H 1 1 L H 11 000 3/15 '}., 9M 7/ ,0! A~ ~ 'J17. 'ih /tl / /,ji. ~ 3'/ / l<I""" II I I L III I . - - . -. Y.., I 0,.." NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS TImber Untmprond Improved TOTAL Oyst., TImber Unimproved Improved Impl'ovemenh I. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE l;c" L/' C ./~C>C-) /60'-' c;) ? ~,~. .. , f-i /. " .;;- - - . ~ Ii.. ..::znOO .5J?.J.:T' 76.-"~ -',--; ~~ 7, ':::'';' .3 ~,Y __~> / ," -;~ " :'-,'.3 ~:; ").'::' ~ //) ?-)"..: ., Yo /3330 ...:?~~)=: r:; 3t. l,hS- 5"1 .Llk'/t' ':<7~'oo .:/!?() _:;.::..- 1_ '< ~ '" L, t/ c,;_ .,., //1 ;/67CJ: 30u3'~ "1_::1. 73.s- (0 35&:,/.5" '13700 '; '73 IS- . Lor ILK. Il./ 1 .:J ',2 I' ~ 2.. 2.'7 n '1'~.u SEC. rwN. 160. .1L 2 ...4 TU; lO4Q~~ . . . ... .. . - --,~"~' . '- . .. . - u__ ~ ,~.,_,'_ ,~. Beginning at the Southwest coiner of that certain tract of land as conveyed to Jim Shumate, et'me, by deed reco~ed, October 23, 1970 under Auditor's File No, 254917; thence Northet'ly along the Easterly line of U.S. Rte No. 101, 90 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing Northerly along said Easterly line 43 feet; thence South 80. East 60 feet, more or less, to the existing bulkhead located on said premises; thence Southerly along said bulkhead 50 feet; thence North 74. 30' West 60 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning. -. '- ., -r- 5/2 /<" I In. >>0