HomeMy WebLinkAbout422132270080 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS , ~~;:;- SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, Po" PUO FPO bhaN.LrS 1];: LeW1S and - - - - - ";:,,,,/.;z J'7/ 54 145011 /j IV'fA i 2 1312 JL .L .J._ 1... . ~o an ",ason / ." ,:.-_::7\ / ~5<::9-0 ..jY '/7.2:U . y!", :// f7~<....t,' 'l/"M' .1//, j ,J 12 ~ 1;/ I ) L. ~ f-- ,~s- IU ,/ , / ,;;b ,"0 1'7/ ~ '"'" FfLJL k 2 1;)2 'IF d/ dr7 Q /7/ ',^ J:P': " 1 / 51/ II IIIOH fI. I I' L ff I1=- 7tJ :Iso 2: ~~ , cl / / g;;:J!l7 --:;;:. ;;? /S"J' 3 ,e I-- ndY ./. . ( / - 1770 ;;s4 '1/7 0-, "' _h ~; f' 'j I;: ,,7!T-;;,f .-0 I- [;>.:;- "".;"6/10 :J.7t6~2 ~ I-- - :;- 0C'0 390ftJf I ()tJ) VI. I,. I? /J' ..A-..e i- t.", , ' IsiR::~']35"/ '5. ,,~^ I!.EC":..- :;./S/ -(f /I ~:l W # 390971 ~;;(, 1,:ll.c., o:h'JfU~",,,,,'J) I, - - - IJJn ... - - - - - . - - - - - - - - ~";'40' , ...,.." ,,"',' ~,'" ,'.,. . . , , , '. -'.- ... -l,.;.i ,.~ ~,~., ~',' ..-"."- ---- --- .- ' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.... Oylur Timber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~ / . f'Co 70 '"7:71 fJ iIl . .si /, (->/l (' ~/(J i"O .?'<I II ~'7 ' ~!?, .;:? R" c7 .;< .PO /1. ~ .:5 /5'0 ..5'~ D ---:..- a /7".1 ,) I/ij~/? 70 /:;';;' ,I, .;),f,<.o ..2/?nJ /';{ /000 dO,:;1() .l!:L /" '7 Y' I/., '1.':;0 oN 'i~":;~ ,/<- I, , f ~,' <J 7ip .2o'.j-. j /~-..;;-/:.) L!;()/Ci :11 l~7/~ 6;;;.,?,')(C , , .. ~\ :r35""J'() 955?o )?I 2;). 7' 1"51 ,'9 &, 9,) Q35",fC '13.:< 70 1$ 5 '/:;'00 !JS5tJO J '17bO LOT BLK. Iml //a lEe. TWH. RGE. ~/!3:l:,:7'O:O 0 ' . '. . , >', ,.', ',-- . . " .,' , "'. . ' . .,' , ' ' -~,"-''''''''''''',,,,, . --.... 9996 - 'YY'" tl of the 2nd c in front of the S 280' of the ~ 990' of lot 1, see 13-22-4 with a frontage of 4.87 lc mil Subj to R/W for St. Rd. Ex. n08A Description per AF# 390808: That part of tll's as conveyed by State of Washington lying ifo, adj to and abutt on the ptn of Govt Lt 1, l3-22-4W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the SW corner of that certain tr2ct of land as conveyed to Jim Shumate et ux by deed recorded 10-23-70 under AF# 254917; th Nly alg the Ely line of US Rte No. 101, 90'; th S 74030'E 60' + - to the existing bulkhead located on sd premises; th Sly alg sd bulkhead 76' tap on the S line of Shumate parcel; th W alg sd S line 65' + - to POB; TGW all those tidelands, lying between the N & S lines of the above described property extended due Ely from the existing bulkhead on sd premises. . T ~re /Jl;.P7:2 IPd-' d~7 ""r" ,,",,,,>).;...- "..~,,_._-,-~ ' - ., ,..; " ....-;~ Ye.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..~:q,2 ;;- SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUO ,PO - - - - - ......21t.... 151260 Joe E. Felix et ux I? I'll? I H L ...L L... I- 1'/- ," , / -Il'. I'? IJ,L I 10/ ~'/~ ,II ~ L w,&L.t L L 61 121-1/'1 ,L 1.W)9';~~j ~ 'I /;i=.67,y", 1.L 1)II/384- -J-tM.t--rlAD ]~L.'_d I " $L f8if1-11b V1. .i .- tf- /I , f3.', j, , " Ii r,!'/' :ff636o:. 7'&0 1/ f-- - ,.- - - - , - - r- - - - - - - - - - 1F ' . .' ' .' , ." .. . ~;, ..........,.... .....~~ . ".\., . .. .". . --, ~--- ------~----------~----- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Older Tlmb.r Unlrnprond Improv~ TOTAL OJder Timber Unlmprovld lmprovld ImprovemlntJ S.ofE. o? '0 (Bulldlngl) VALUE 6.2: j:U/A 'e i,o GO .9. 3,:5 o./: -, tOo t-.n j 55 ' .. 0 if;:J "-:..? () 30 1,0,{)1 ") l .$.. L/O<? :f f. 'fl,t(] Wo -'2 1 '13 i'.l :2.30 ':<.3 C') (Pt. ~ ;2~7~ ;;7cJ 2a. ,j'C IG> ~E6 .6 -;F Cl r./, M. &;/0 ,&/0 H , /,;2.';:: " /.;<.?o /~,:j Iv? !},I> /.::<'.? Q gt - ,- , . ~ , /./ , " t--------;- f' J ,I, - - , LOT BlK. /// . " - ~ w n ~ .~ :.. . ..~ ..~,.:. . . SEC, TWN. RGE. ,r. . c.., ., " .'. ~;;'., ~""."~. :"., .'~~~ Beginning at the NW ~~-;. ~{'Tract 2 of 'B!6cK"l05 of 1'lcReavy' s First Add to Hoodsport; th 3"42' E along N line ot,:.ereof, 243.20 I to tack in middle of culvert header on U:e Ely margin of Olyml"ic Hi;;lway; th following center line of said culvart across hL;:way to a point on the E R/W line and establish I.P.; run th S along sCiid E a/I: line, 210'; th E to line of extreme low tide; th Nly along lin~ of extreme low tide to a pOint \;r'ich is due E of I.P.; th Vi to I.P. '~.;.- *Ex. ~.' ~." llO$-A-l-~