HomeMy WebLinkAbout422123160680 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,-::: ")- ,,- SALE PRICE! Rd. Be'. Port !PUD FPO P ~1 d/ (CjJt~ . - P /:/ /.3<?tJ I 54 105246 l!.... A. Harris 2 12 H 1 1 L le, -:;; '" -- -- ~ ~ . 2.. id:i 1..L .L L $/"..,." "" ~ 1'79~ ,d JIr,. ~/J /7).,.., (Off. ~/.. , f'/ L tJ.d. lL-L ..L L 1L ...!c2. /<Nk3 c;- Tn- /. , it 107) Y,r,,=-l, C-<V - - f-- - f-- - - - - - - - - - -1- - - -- - - -- -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ----. -- '. '...;;;:'.;:~..:........._-~::._------------------_:.:._--'_:..;:-,_:._-.;:._--_:...:_~ .::.:-.:::'~.=.... NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oylter Tlmblr Unlmprovld Impl'O"ed TOTAL Oylter Timber I U,Im"",. Improved ImproVlmenu B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE d 3jt? ~,j?- 30 .30 0. ..2..d..L ';?,.3t ';<0 .;< 0 ..5.ii. /. ,(~ I..:n /D /0 .5"<f. /ao j, <' ,:, /0 /0 / -, -- .~--,- . , LOT BLK. , EID~~ /~..1~3j.J ~/,in\{o;3@] I SEC. TWN. RGE. '.. I.. -~ . , ',,:.. ' , . ;,...,,_ '.I,.,.~"'" .,"' . . , --~ ~ ,'. gn at a pt on the ml in front' of sec 12-22-4 which is N 5 0 04' E7. 60 chs .. & N 40 0 04' E 4$1.7 ft ( 7.30lm..distant"f'rom the mc on the S In of section & rng thn N 400 04' E 94.4$ ft (1.43chs) to an angle pt in ml thn along ml N 15 0 04' E 1.$5 chs, N 100 56' W 5.13 chs N 510 34' E 5.24 chs &N 16 0 49' E 7.50 chs to pt which is S 660 59' E 22.16 chs distant from the quarter corner on the W ln of sec 12 thn leavin~ the govt ml & rng S 790 24' E 2.55 chs S 330 15' E 6.53 chs S 190 30' E 4.00 chs S 10 0 W 7.30 chs S 3$0 40' W 5.00 chs S 590 W 42 ft (.64 chs) & N 730 1$' W 633 ft (9.59 chs) to pt of bgn contain!ng an area of 19.04 acres & being a portion of a tract in front of parts of lt 3 & 4 of section 12 / --.' , :.w_...._... \ Year Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~:i' ;:- :- Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE 54 r Uscar Ah1 et a1 2 12 H 1 .J._1- _6.:~_Y9;.~;'9! U/.// / /7r;) .f."7f!-; ,[, {: - J. / ~L--I- ...iL I;;~';~ (J IT. J() 1/ l?~ ~I II ) .L--L ---<.L1177%n It ,:-iI,/f)"aI; ~h.J,bPl/I!.' f"j j}/)ll(j../J~ __ ~;:V V'11. /l t:1;" ~U (l I./t?"" ,'1/7/ / , /;. /') {ff,5'J/ 1/ [i"'i ;::!JJ..' ~"d kIJ9'/.? ~9,f /(;t;,Ap.! ~~ ,f9a-.(L /"{ ~( ------ ..J.t-;;?O?6,3;?, 4}i!t...:=fL ,.17, or 17 ' 1, I) L.iC M?/J?,/ Jr.-' ~) ~ } ',r ~ ~1;71, 1-,jf:J7?., IL / .~ I r: 1J:,,1,j' . 'n jJ p-' ~' Sou, 1L_ ,Pf?;s- ~c t.'rJ(J '{p ,1M- g(P3 #'-= /.a-r~ v ffJ.;1,tft!77 "L /<5/' ". --2~ - . . , ""2";'97'; ~""'",,"'" '.'....' ",'.'.'.. ":"".".....,...~" .~~_ ~~~_.-=~=~_~4~==~_~_~___==_~==____$____~__~=____.~_____5_____________~~~.~_~, :_... . >. . NUMBER OF ACRES ' VALUATIONS v.., Old., Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber d~ /0 ,19 e><?O { ,;7 .:1 c/o () ,;'1 .3000 UnImproved Improved Improvement. (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE .p/ ,IJ/ 5,1 ,/9 .2!L,I'l (,/ , 11 f.f... ~ 70 ~ -- //./'// ..- T'/ 1-//:'1<:1 ,j, /0 dO .3000 ,;)17b G/7~ 376() (.,7?:' .y7o c) IJ..;. cV 9';/:,)0 /:;YCkj q,~ ~ ~/.j!) cJ'~ ,7.5'JO ~ ----:-._- LOT BLK. ; 1 /(':'2 BEC. TWN. RGE. CD ; ~ : : . . . . - . '.-' ~ ..,'. <lOSA ,- . ;,-tt,.':. ..... '.,,' .. ";"" J".' 5, /,1;-0';/ ~k,.,: ...:i'o.f' J ~.' Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. ~l~ FPO -I - 54 94611 H. E. Lcckwood 2 12 H ~ 1 L ;l .1/.14 J/-L .L L - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - I ___~~~~"'-"~'~_~___~_~_~_~~~~_=~:_=~~~_~_~_~~=~~=~=~~_~=~~====~~~_~~_~:,~v~~~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Or.ter TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber I Unimproved Improved Improvemonb B. of E. (BuildIng.) VALUE #/ 4t.f 0(;~ ::<AO :7 ':<,<;,'0 :<~%O ~Y L/5;l, -!-::) .2 ;:{3 0 ;;.!So ;';/0 - I!( '" , , .' I J./- 'i, f/'I 1.1./\ , , , .,' ,c ~' .L- v,<_. / ~"t'.~_ J /, 'f - /,~1,::J r ~O l.l. I '.....~. -I~- , , LOT BLK. ,~ ---.::.- . -" SEC. TWN. RGE. . - .. - -'.~ - - - .. ,,"'-- .. ,- , . ," ''-io,'c ",' ,,'-'.." -c. " ,.., .',' '. '; ~ r- ,.!'f!I'T':..: ",,'(' .' "~...... - ..' ;.,~,,_,~,-: of sec 12-22-4 said sec &. rng to an angle pt gg61 Bgn at the pt on the m1 in front distnat from the mc on the 51 of thn along m1 N 50 04' E 351.6 ft thn N 400 04t 481.7 ft thn S 730 18' E 633 ft S 590 W 288 ft 13t W 426.72 ft thn W 113 ft to pt of bgn containing an of a tr in front of parts of lots 3 &. 4 ~- -_.---- ----- which is N 50 04' E 150 ft S 780 30' W 318.78 ft &. S 400 area of 6.46 acres &. being a poetion of said sec 12 ."~"