HomeMy WebLinkAbout422122480910 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .-:: 25 SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. pO<! pur FPO 1111 64 208206 Gordon R. Dickinson 2 in, " , I, T 2 ,~ Doni ,,=, ,..~ ""\ 01 1 '^, " 1 h u iT 1/84 423820 Billv c. Sutton et a1 ( '/,~v Treas. Deed . . , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impra.rements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 74 ,nn,. '4Qn 76 1490 1490 81 1490 1490 95' 1./ ; 'J ;'- - -, 'J LOT BLK. (g..1,r.!l ~ If P()~, 1;/1 SEC. TWN. RGE_ d"6. 'Z,. J "",12 22 4 Tax 391 Ex & Tax 391-A Ex !,,- Tax 391 Ex 391 B, C, E, F Tax 39l-A ex 391 AB, AC, AE, AF Tax 391 Tidelands of the se=nd class situa.ted in front of, adjacent to or abutting upJn th.at portion of the Governrrent IlEander line lying in front of the N portion of IDt 3 and having a frontage of 12. 18 lineal chains rrore or less. Ex th.at portion in front of IDt 1-30 Block 1, Hoodsport. Tax 39l-A All tidelands of the 2nd class in front of th.at part of IDt 3 Sec.12-22-4 and lying between the line of rrean law tide and the line of extrerre law tide, rreasured along the mean:'ler line. Beginning at the point of intersection of the N line of IDt 3 with IlEander line and running thence SWly to the NW corner of the Tract of Oyster Land with front of 12.18 lc mil measured along the meander line. et al: Billy C. Sutton Tim A. Sutton * Tidelarrl in front of Vac N~ Alley between Blks 1-2, Hoodsport. .. DISTRICTS - - Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~ - SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - 2iL 132504 H. R. Dickinson et ux L l'ill .lL L ..L L SY 7.:76.),5- " " ~~~:~L: j;~ I, '\ L1 Id,'-/ L/ .L .L L E ~b8~tJ~ ~ / - - - I- - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - ,-- . ~;~~~-----~--~-------------~~----------_._~~~---~--_._-~---~~--------------~:~:~~---- ----. NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS v,,, Oyd.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved ImDrovemllnb B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 51 -51~ lP(1 /00 /Dc) , , 4. ," ~ /} .!. -'/0 '?La -"I,.,.,... " ?i - ..~,"~ ,i .::-:...' .;5i') 7u r y' ./:.'Y /~Ci -- (, I ! . . ~ BlK. ~~ SEC. TWN. ROE. 0 i ~ . . . , ~ . : ~ 'l j -,:,- ~J~.. .'~ ..' . " ',..-;>:--""~' -'~.' <. " . , Tidelands of the second class abutting u~on that portion of of the N portion of Lot 3 and more or less. situated in front of, adjacent to or the Govemnment meander line lying in front having a frontage of 12.18 lineal chains ',- <g ~~ ;' .''< " . ,,' -:---', ". '. -....,' .- IXlfix~ixxx!xX~fWIIIK!~fXI~lM~~~XI!iIIX~XIi~ 7 I /<. t'? /. 'N ( , -:.- y ~- ,,-- /' ~ ,~ ~ C 7/ . , '" ) , -....::> , ,'1f"pc",R.5 : > I~ .' --.', J ,.... ... ... , r c-' . /-,) 0 -/ 2 f ~J e <! /3" ,.f'J ) ... '2... r ...., / /\.,;..",.. A..-; e ci- A /<. .y " m~.-'-~ ---.;;.;;:~-:-; Year File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~ .."..= ,'F SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD I FPD ----- ...2!L {,.'f2S0t/ H. R. Dickinson et us 2 12 H 1 1 . -1,.L ;).d~A(. ~rv<-- &' ;'0, _ a, ~.A~J e:< ~..J!....LL L. - - - I- - - - - f-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- f-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - I ., .....,.. .,' 'O<-'''~ . =~':;~~~~ -~-_:._- ~--'-~ - _:.- -.;,----_:._-:;;-;;-;;_.:_~:.._;..;,~:~:._;...;._~_.:.---- ""..._~ - ""''''0= ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyswr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber UnImproved Improved Improv.menlt B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE Sij ,S; ,J.s;, ""G /0 /0 . , sl ~~ ~ ~/O /0 {;c;. ~ /,f /~ ..- 2f2 ,. V - .30 :"./:' 0 - 0 7 / . .' / ~ . ./ , . I i ~ SEC. TWN'. . RaE.. ' ~i:: " .: :. ~ : ; t "" \, --',-' ',,-_.~,"",~ ..''- '.,~ ~" ~' ,,.,..' n,r- ."""'_':""'>'''''''''''~'-.:!'':-;'' ..>' All tl of the 2nd c in between the ln of mean along the rr.eander ln Bgn at the pt of intersec of the N ln of lot 3 with ml & rng thn SWly to NW corner of the tr of Oy land with front of 12.18 lc mil measured along ml front of that part of lot 3 sec 12-22-4 & lying low tide 1 the In of ext~eme low tide, measured the the c -- .I'~ ,r / ) ~' I S {, L ,- " l4i:;;;,;:;.e-i, .,~-~ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DlsmlCTS SALE PRICE Y..r File No. Rd. Sch. Po" PUD FPD - - .....2JL Union Oil Co. /. L tu2 .R. I, L... 12 kba ^' / L ~ I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~=-~~~~-;~~-~~~~-~------~-----~--~~~~~---------~~~--~-~~---~-~-~~-~~~---~-~-~~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Ye.r Oy,ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlnlll) VALUE .!>Lf ,7$'",,- f</(l .:2-0 7<='0 7:;; 0 , . f!l~~ ' :/J. ./1,.1/(" It::!. /" ~ .5 -I" d I / , LOT BLK. U t SEe. TWN. RGE. OJ : . : : : - . . .. " . ...', ~".: ,l~. .,', . . 0', .. Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. 8ch. Port PUD FPO SALE PRICE , 21m lLL_LL__ d..~..Il. .L.L.L 54 Union Oil Co. --1---- I-- -I-- - --I-- - c____ ...~_~____ ____~__________;._'_:.___~____.:.___________________.~___~__-_:::...:~.:......::::~.- --... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Tlmb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemenh (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE -51 ($~~ /0 ^ /0 L~JJ.-e i.- 31 I .6 LOT BlK. sec. TWN. RGE. Q ~ : : : : t : . ," " ., .-~_. '~, ' ~~. Oft ..."..~..'., . ~,.".",t " '" "', . ..';..,.... :;. . file No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Year Rd. Soh, Port PUO FPO - - ....2.lL 145046 E. v. Richardson et ux 2 \1 ? .R.. "- L LL- ,;? W4 JJ .L .L "=- - - - - - - - I- - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,~.~'......;:~.;.:*~-_.:._---- -------_:...:..::....._..:_---~_.:....*_.*------*-,,=........"''"':....-'':;, ,"';~~. ----- ,----~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unlmprovtd Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvem.nta 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 2L ~ 550,,1. '(7 j:'() go ~)-9 /,5/ d ?p ~C.I .;Lo C /~ i<,/, ,,/d~ ...P /.I"~UC c7/V1 .-f2.~/- W- b ~. I H~~. , ,.:1- . V LOT BlK. W SEC. TWN. ROE. 'm: ~ ~ ~ > t i '~ ~-.,- ,i", L ''''''~~'~'''!M'''' '. ';'.r,'.,,"" . ),''''', " , ..-., ,~. -.;/ -r j'-t-r.P-r!/C..--' / "",: q,/d, O".~ ~ '/ 7/Y-cv /,f d~ / - 4- -. ,-+ f .. I a(} ~'~'----':'-~~--=;"-P~--iZ ~ , "tt:;:;:;.,;j Yur FlIe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, Port PUO FPO - - .......5Jr.... 1450J+6 E. V. Richardson et ux 2.... ~ JL L ,..L L.... 2... ~ JL ..L ..L .L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..: -':::~ ~ _:.. - -.. ~ - - - ~ - - - -" - - - - ~ _:...:.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. -..- --~ - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - -;.;. -~- - - j"". - --. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vea, Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyater Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (BuIldings) VALUE bY 3,8o./.. /! /0 /D .:Ej. ;; 5"1;;( fl /'0 /' /0 / .2 p Q9, e ~e- J ~ ~ . " LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. Cl.,j ~ , ~ i i LJ , . . . .. ~.-~. , G ,".,~. . ./ 7~Lzi-?~C. ,,'il.oo.: ---,? --/ ? 7/ A-(/--& '7' ,4 !/~': ~ g r ;:.~~ ~:<.<_~ ."-"'=-=,... =--""..... . " , ';4/tl-or-L_1- ,i:..t".....~G .~7 ,tk--. Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. 8ch. Port pu~ FPO SALE PRiCe: 54 110136 William M. Dan~els et ux vi / ~~, ',~' ,,--:) . ~"'-f /7 J; L/LL 1 /4' -?., /~ ,-1).-'Y ) / ,./ j' (:A 2 ,~JLeL ..l_ L b IuA" J/ .LLJ:: ~ 16 0'/;::,.,// ,;..':;' of) I-- -I- -I-- -I- - 1----- . ,.'." ",'....." ".~ ____ , ___'.._._...______.....___.___..............._......-......-=...._'_......'_~=__....________..__~___________________...___ ,.., ...c::O~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year 0,.10, TlmlMr Unlmprovld Improved TOTAL Grater Timber UnImproved r"JlfOvlld Improv.manb (Bulldlnga) B.ofE. VALUE . t;7/ 7"- Ir <? ~ ' -> d'-, ' ~ _ 20 ,d;'dI.WAILI / )..(- i lc. L/17 -f //./ J 1-,4- - dLk. I LOT BEe. BlK. TWN. ROE. cu~ . -" : .: . . u ""," -,..lA..~;':c _~.-;::;:lL.,.,,-,>.;.,.T."'Il" _.1.O1,(!-'1. -""-,...,..;_~"IiL.1.Lt.ll.':;"- .~..................,."',~. ,. -~ ~.:... 'r ~~j~ V' '7 ' ( -~ y-~.I ~' -," . ..... ~ -, /:;; /I , /, :7 "1 .. -"J<':'~- / -'!? > ~ r7- /9 /.........- -' .. ~"....... Ye., Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DlsmlCTS Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE ---21L 110136 ~/7t,-'I""7 William M. Daniels Cl' , . (/ /(/f{tJ>u ~I &1 (/7/_. - . /' et ux d//0r,v (p(// t, , Lill2 ...H...L...LL- ,;? l~tf~lp /..,L L "t.. /,? 7,-;/ ~7" --- I- ---- --I-- - .""n . , " .__0 .~G___~______~___~________________ NUMBER OF ACRES ______:....-:;...:..:*'~__.::.;;.,,;."',=..:0;;;;'"'...-.... VALUATIONS Year Oylter Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE ~ ,7S-,/. /!, , /0 /0 J-r~ 'I " / .. ~ 'r 1 .I- I { c:!.- :1 LOT BLK. 0; i ~ ,- -.. --,.. - : a U SEC. TWN. RGE. I . . . . " .. .. '. " ", I----~~ ('>1-~9.....--< -"':/ I / ~.u;..;"-'-=--- .. '1.-+r._<':,', il,~.... " ,l~ . / ."",,> dI C:''''' ~ -;.. ,......~:? , '0 . ., 4_'(:.e: / --1- , L Rd. 6ch. DISTRICTS Port PUD FPD 1-- SALE PRICE Year File No. NAME Of OWNER CONTRACT TO -21L 118960 ..EL Harold D. Burl in,,: At, me c6'-,~ /, ;/ QAA~"":..o a I? nl? I.f L~_L_ l:J1 ,/. t/ LLlb I- --I-- -I-- -I-- --- '~_____-------------------------------~---------- NUMBER OF ACRES .'", " , ',..,'.-" --.;...---------,--,--..;...._.:.__. ' ---- VALUATIONS TN' Oyltlr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved hwproved Improvemenb (Bulldlnp) B.ofE. VALUE <fZ/ 13.8'"lPe /0 ,/(j.(!I4./itl// III 'Ii. ..- v ~- It"! /?;> //c/f:/ I LOT BLK. I SEC. TWN. RGE. CU ~' ~ . ~ i f 1 U . - ---. , I,... , "'--, .....'.. --, - . , " ., ~'<_. ..'...f~, .. ' ,> .-"- t~-,r.:--~... ~--'--r- ...---------..........-...-,'-""'"',- -~-.--- I ... -~,-...~~.......~............. .,....,........ ....'~ .....,.., ":-;-1' "'~ ,L' c. e / " $<:1'--..'".1- ...?_~-.c:.../~,...... . <:- -- CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE' V.., FiI. No. NAME of OWNER Rd. 6<>h. Port PUD FPD - - - - -5.4- 118960 Harold D. Burling; et ux 2 l.ll J:L L .J._ L ......ffs.. ..AA A ;/ ()H .) J'.::I. 0<.-< b @!i .lL ..L ..L L 1,,0 00 ~ iJ f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --~ - .----'---- - --';---':'';~--------------,------_':':'' , . ,,' "'~--- -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year 01.", Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (BulldlnlJ1) VALUE ..:f!l , ~S"l "e. /0 ,. /6 ___if." ....../ 3 7/[; 1J2..i,... ~'I LOT BLK. ; .~ i i i l SEC. TWN. ROE. t:IJ.J ,~, ~ i . '.,c,......... . ',;.,...". 'i'.'\:\"J::>.;(.'';;f.~'hL~,.;,~ ,_"_ :.::.....__T~'-.~~u&:'.ax~,;A.R.....l"~f,,k...:~"',;.r;.>...;. :__...ilo:.;;;-~,',,-',,".'",,'bJ;.'~_'~"-~' '.' , ~ 1'4~'C[ ;:<~..?"' r; L~_:_J /fi / , , ' -..L .>-Y<---? c;).:"i.'~--; fe,,':;'- L C,~ , I- '.~.,. File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS SALE PRICE Year Rd. So,. Port PUD FPD - - - - - -2.!L 108716 Vi. R. McDonald 2 ill J:L L 1 L L.1 ~d JL L L L I-- - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .Jr'.,',"" ~.... .. ~--... .'. .. .. "".~~,Y ""'" .. > " , '..., . ' ,. '" '~~~~::..;.~ -~---- c__a_____==___~~_=______________ ~ -::::-.~~,-. ;:;:.-,-,-- .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Oy.ter Timber Unlmprovtd Improv~ TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements a.ofE. (Building.) VALUE 2!L ,i /~, 17"(7 :2 () ::<0 , .. 0""1 /, ., 0 ' ,f? /' LJ.-U.t L- :, :t'J y-/ ~. 8, I '00- ,/ ,.14. 1'- - \ .. LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. CIJ.j ;. :"1 : \ i 'I U "--, ,"> ~,~ "'J ..... ,.~ , l_" , "t . .. '. .. ~"...""",,~,,!"CC~- 'r;'~ ""'!'"'q<,,~o:~ r ~ - ., ,,?-t / " "-' ~ -.:---L- -:-<-tt2:, / -) "7" (;<.:"\ ,. -/ v:..r <...-,-:k.~ // , , ;Z.,L-c;.--d-;:;-L..:.',/' - ~:9-- >~~ Yelr File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICS Rd. $c.. Port PUO "PO - - 54 108716 w. R. McDonald - 2 "g H .L _L L C? ~ IL L J / - - ~ -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~----------------------------- ' , ~~ -.... . ........ L..e -'::1!>.~ '>~'&;;-'- ,- -~.--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Tlm~r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oysttr Timber Unimproved Improved Improve menu B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ,Jzj ;;;7~ (i /D ./0 5'1 130;" (!. /0 ~ /6 Ii J.e f 3 '1/ G - / -" V , , LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. a::IlJ i 1 L.L.LLJ.J : "," f. _3 ;'"," ',>" "b , .. .. .',,> .. r , 1 _/-/ -/ / ""- &7L/{../ ,/",,--z..:, / /, d Y 3/ L'u/e / ~'d'''.- cJ/ , -~ !' 'r-':'3-~"1I---<:.::e~/~ ~-:---c....- ~ \t ".~ ,,~.._" ....-.....', Year File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. "",. Port PUDIFPO -I I ,f1285J iH. -- 58 R. Dickinson et ux eo.T.Plowmar 2 40 H 1 1 L ...Jllil 0 0 - - ...iL /lOfl ~d T /f?~n=a..e.-r-l"'/r - - - - (/ , - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -_. I I , - - - - - I - - - - - - - - , - -- - - - - -1- - - - - -I ._.__.""..~____~____ ___~~~____e____ --- , . LIIl<l .1.. -,,~- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oy.ter Timber I Unimproved I Improv~ TOTAL Oy.t.r Timber I Unimproved Improv~ IlmprOVementl B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE ..---- ,> /-/1j C,-' ~t! J~cJ ...i...d::... ~/'^ /,-{. ..:),) .!..;~ '~ ;;. / ,9 ? /L)U /0 c:) =::..L ( , '--i ~,ri.<u-'"' 1 /", 7Ii 'i p.'7' =6 ? 0 (~/j " - 0. O}"" I _. I I - -.. I I , I LOT BlK. lEG. TWN. RGE. ' . [Lj ; ~-':-' ~ 1 . . , . . .. . , , . ",,&c,...) ." '"--~,",,, , ,".' ,.,. ,,' ~", ."', ..' , -\'-c",?,; Tidelands of 2nd class lying in front of Lots 19 through 30, Block 1, Plat of Hoodsport. '.~""'7---' ., 1"';'" . ~....'", ,.,~..'~~...,> . I DISTRICTS Year File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Soh. portlpuofFPD SALE PRICE' Rd. ,~12853 II:. R.. Dickinson ------ 58 et ux G o.T.FloHman 2 ..!:rQb ..li 1 1 L $5000 - ....2L /?h"dJ'?1 ,//, 7 "'" //, #- - - - - ,- - t/ - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --, I =1= - - - - - - - I - - - - - -I ~' -.. --.. ~'.~ .. - rcB'._ ~---' ' ==- - ~ ---== ~ ~=---""'--- .,-===--~___~..._-=-a ~ ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATiONS Ylar Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber I UnImproved Iml)(oved l,mprovem,nh B. of E. (BulldlnCI) VALUE /-.:.. - ...,...., /jj' ,{) .. /0 ...-J, ~.... .r'-c'. C' F . of C ~q I F" ..-\-'";/ , - ~ , I LOT BlK. CU . . . :"',: '-: ,. ...,. TWN. RGE. . .,.--- '. . ,.L, .,1.", , . -- ~ ,', . '. -,,'~ :" , .. ,", ", .. '- , ,- '- --"{ "''''...,- .,':'" ~ ,'. . _:...". ,.,{-~... ..", ,., ,'.-,....."~_.,,,.,. ,.', ',', . .- , . ".,":/"''t .-: '-,' , ' ',," ',' ." ' .. Tide18nds of 2nd class lying between line of mean low tide and line of extreme 10'.-1 tide lying between the SWly line of Lot 19 and the H line of Govt Lot 3 in Plat of hoodsport, Block 1. ilIA. ___ ___ _ _ "'f~~~"""~ ";' ..c_A_= - '-----~:-;;:,., DISTRICTS :l- .. - Ye.r Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO . ___ SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, Port PUD 'PD Oscar Ah1 ~j#~P' - - - - - - ..2.lt... 2 12 H L ..L L 4./tl //~.JA."~A,A-0.k~ - 5-t" ;: ::;~ . . .2 40.1/ U. / / L /j"2~'7-' ," ,1/ h J '" ,/ h i"" c.tY Sk... () I-- - -- - 3c5}'<;-dtJ...-' ; 'lJ (f f0' )(;...~ .tD...11 ..,/,_ !}'1I,.J d)' ;/ jij cf.. / .' # '9'?ft0 ~ . '/ ". ' -;;: o".OC)d ~ 7rr7J7 7T - 7'p 1.1 tfj /71' h - - .....2L J7{,ObS' I , " F - - l/ 71/I IlL' " :;:z;L-/;.-"9,FO ..kr.L 1j"..?33 / u 'f ~dJi.,L';1.J'..1J. - - /-.1 l;q~ 19 f7 ,~~:$ " g 6#'. -"d"3 ""'/S,/ 77 - - - -- ~ 'Po 3% 7/ 0fLb.s.~ - -1- - - !iJL 4'62 'J.{t, fi, 4~ C, ~ . '7 i / - - - - - :xJ.;J,5'17b -- - - - - - - - -1- - I --- ~..--~- ~--;,-;,-: :':':. - - - - - -.- - ---- -- - --_:':"_--'-:'~ -~---"--~-_:_.:........_-----~~::;:~-~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Vur Oylter Tlmblf UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyst,r Tlmblf I U,lm"...d Improved ImDrovlmlnb B. of E. (Blllldlngl) VALUE ~ /71 "'(7 .L/o dd , ~, :J. gJ '1 ,c,-O .c;() - . , U ',' ./j ::;0 -' .1J2. ~;(.) 4:- '- ) /~n 'r'- , ZQ?, -€- /"'/ /~/ ,//" /; ./ " , L/ .. j, , /" .. .. I T , LOT BLK. ['1'1 I '1 . . i '1 I I I 1 /0:':::' SEC. TWN. RGE. , c. ,.' .~~"" - ,. -",~. ' , .. ,1_ , ' .,,. ,/' F'I. ' , , App 8164 All t1 of the 2nd c in front"'Qf' tl\e"'~"1~ 'ft" of l-otll 4 sec 12-22-4 with front of 2.28 1c mil measured a-lono-,the mL Ex all that portion of tl included in a tr of Oy lands conveyed by the St to L. K1 Munson Ex S 372 ft ,Ii -.=- ,-.7 Year Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. 8ch, Port PUO FPo - - 54 ,QO'.lSGOrt. ...~,~....;:lVV'S l~t 'I.QQ "- 1,1;,: JL L f-l- ~ 1.2 W.d<'l ).) / -.L lL - - - I- - - - I- - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - ..._,-,- ~:._~_~____ __~ ~_~'____~ ~ _~___~__'_~___ .'______ __ __~ _~_u__ _ .._~_.;_.._:.._~::.:.:.:....::.-.~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS YNt Oyater Tlmbv Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprond Inr.proved Improvlmanb B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE / / .- , , LOT BLK. SEC. TWH. RGE. r... I I i l' 1 I I , l I I .. ,", ..--. ' , .,.. . ~~ "',;00 - v.',,'......., T . '... ~.. ...",.", "T--'" ....'.. ...., Yur File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Sc'. Port PUD FPD - - - - - ---21L "lliJrd 'S ',] to Loodsport L ill J:L L lL L- ;iUll t2.. ///// h L. .L L I-- - I-- I- - I- - - - I- - - I-- - - - - - - - - - I- I~~.----~--~~---~---------------~---:~-- . . - ' ,..~.. ...... -'----- t "". NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldln".) VALUE LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RBE. "! ,. , --.' - '---r< -- All' that portion of Govt Lot l~ SeQ J.3~~2~lf~ ~~):l~ E. of E line of R/W of Olympic Hy, as now established and lying in front of and to E of Blocks 105 and 109, McReavery'~<First Addn. to Hoodsport, Mason County, Wash. according to recorded plat thereof, and lying between the N line of said Block lOS, extended E and a line extended E from SE corner of said Block 109. Exc. Tr. 2 All that portion of Govt Lot 1, See 13-22-4, which lies E of that portion of the E line of Olympic Hy. as now established over and across Lot 1, partioularly desoribed as follows: Beginning at a point on said E line of Olympic Hy. where a line extend due E from SE corner of Blook 109, McReavey's First Addn. to Hoodsport Mason Co., Washington, would intersect the said E line of Olympic Hy; Thn Nly from said point of intersection along said E line of said Olym~ Hy. to a pOint 155 ft. from pt of bgn, meaning hereby to oonvey to the Grantee all that portion of aaid Govt Lot 1, aforesaid, having a frontage of 155 ft. on said Olympic Hy. Exc Tract 2A _.--.e- ,~ )