HomeMy WebLinkAbout422114490010 Yellr File No. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,'~ _ _ SALE PRICE: NAME of OWNER . /'jl ,}5 ~110881 J. T. hanlev 61 iI<fCS-f/7 / /7 ~~ d,,' .. ~ -7 d.( n. .1- _~.LJ/<7/.:jJ7XIr-rz/.. A. 11 /.7f"" t/ iLlL 289163 / I" / i II ie E. Hoisi 191~......J.Iui:letI'i--~ 360248 L1L.l6. ')71 fi82 Ri II jp F Ho; ~ i ng+on ~ ~ t/J%M 6#16 t:.dc: . (, A( /l.) bAflV c Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPO 21illHL1L ~~.IL-L / L ,11.1Jk.,j. f.I I LLJL i'<' -;>L/'p/b? ?0dO_ 1/39481 $5500 - -f-- #.S~/'75 ~LI.v.o"'9A;...r --f-- - -~',II(". '. . .... ' , ... ...... '..~ . .._..~ '---- . -- --~. ..~-~- - -- ... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvlmenb B.ofE. (BuIldings) VALUE ~ /, (pq i,t,f /<'-0 4rC! ~5?O ......../ .-e-' /,{.y 'c -P- /t::rc.J ~0l 6;?o .J.j (~l /07 . .il . I,{,,/ /.6t7 /30 ~G>-z> 730 , ~ /30 ~ /';;0 idL 7/....--~... /00 /&0 -;...; ;//) 2L2 /;:/}~ ~~") ~:><::l --- -- .- 7J. / t II) /610 lfJ " ~~-,"':; J;. /,:'" /.i0 /P &- 0 /;2(..0 f C ~f" ;15.:2.; .;25,;z0 '. ~ j':~.~ :.) S",) 1tL . ,3t/ ,~t/. 605 -:-..: /, ").:5 'dl 5':<50 ,Z;:ZSo (',I""" .34 ,3<1 71bD 0 50Cl ~/OO ~ , lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. G}).'J-:W' 4'~r'f O:O~ ,'," -" -';';"""-''''''''~'., ;"l'~v.'~' ., ~. ." ~nOingtJ i Seo oorn~r on lin~ between Seo"lT 'and 14. Tw~> run ~"~'i~~link to a post whioh is the s;arting poi~~ Road' (The' La1re--...,:~shman Road) bearin~~~7 05 I ,~..:-:-' .' .' . Thn along s "8.~e of said road, .' : " /. .- , Thn N"'91 links "to N side of . . to SW oorner of a traot of land described as foll' : o Run Thn ~ 75 05' . ~74 ft to a post;- Thn N 14 148.5 ft~';: post; 2-.:.C' 1.-. Thn 05' -W4l-eha.1nSl~~Jl.~8-to--a--Ji'OSt tj I?l :./~ ;/(.,;. n S 14055' E to IP. Exo Tr. h ( . ')' .'/ I.'c,' ) -~Tr I of Short Plat #33 revised: ' . The W 100' of even width thereof, as measured alg the S I ine of the fol lowing described property: Al I that ptn of the SE SE I 1-22-4W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the 1/4 section corner on line betwee Sections I I & 14, sd twnshp & rge; th N 149 I inks to a post on the Sly rlw of co. rd. known as Lake Cushman Rd; th N 750 05' E, fol lowing alg the Sly rlw 1 ine of sd rd, 25 chains & 62 1 inks; th N 91 1 inks to the Nly rlw I ine of sd Lake Cushman Rd and the SW corner of land hereby described; th N 750 05' E alg the Nly I ine of sd Lake Cushman Rd 8.89 chains to the SW corner of tr conveyed to Fred Hanson in instrument recorded 7-19=49 under AF# 130286, Vol. 125 of Deeds, pgs 573 & 574; th N 140 05' W 2.25 chains alg the W boundary I ine of sd Hanson Tract; th S 750 05' W 8.89 chains to a post; th S 140 05' E to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom the Wly 100' thereof. -.-<......':..,....-,. . ~, -,.~- ~.'" . -". 'Ii /( 1/ '" DISTRICTS 0-- C Yur File No. NAME of ,OWNER CONTRACT TO .~'r--, SALE PRICE / 07'1:("-, /'/7910 Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - - 54 147267 Lloyd E. Wolcott et ux 2 312 H 1 1 L .//- "'~ /, - - -- - - 51 /7/'1'7R ~~, j ,; , ~ ~ ZM. Ii L L .b. ~ '5'5?!?5 ,j' .~ I ( I-- - - - I-- - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 1=*, . ,-.-= ...._~- .-..- ------ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Year Oyder Timber Unlmprovfll Improv..:! TOTAL. Oyttar TImber Unimproved Il1Ilproved I,mp,...m.n.. B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE ..2..!L .37 .37 30 30 .5-7 ,37 ,37 ..5lJ ..:52J iu .37 ,.37 '70 9'0 M 90 jlt.S' '1$ ;)' U. ;l) //0 /070 //YJ 2Q. 5ZJ/; ;:: ;;..' C) r-:/t-cJ ;23~O M. /750 h~~6 ,f ;'jlo 1!:L lid"''? =t":;'l'" /3/.;;'0 //,,(.,:;J.(J ~ '-'" " - 76 '-?S~ .. ,,;, . ;',,~3''(:J &L - - ~. --7' .- ._..._.' - , -.,.L--.-____ 2 , . '.","",-/ I", h /./) 7./ 7;; .' } c~/'" .J :~ .,. . LOT BLK. - ',..... -- ~ -; 0 J . -- . lEe. TWN. RGE. - . . , , .~ -...;--.,.- - ..,.--c.-- --, Tract of land in SE! SE ,See 11-22-4, as fol~Q~; Bgn at ~.f.p.rner between Secs 11 & 14, run Thn N 14gfinks to a post on Sly R/W line of Co. Rd., known as Lake Cushman Road; Thn in Ely direction N 750 05' E following along Sly R/W line of said rd, -2-5-..62 chains; .: ~-'/ ~ / , " ' };" ," ' Thn N 91 links to Nly R/W line of said road; ~,;' Thn N 750 05' E, a dist of 10. ft; to the I.P.. Thn from I.P. N 140 05' W, a dist of 148.5 ft; Thn N 750 05' E 90 ft; Thn S 140 05' E a dist of 148.5 ft; Thn S 750 05' W to pt of bgn., Exc. all R/W's '_,~----~.,_.- ..a."- .... ~l.l... ;(:3 .~ - .~-' ;.:" I ----. '// 7 - .....' '.