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YtIlr File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD .. - ~-- -" ." , '.....-.,., SALE PRICE 54 119941 Harold 1. Eillo 2 1312 H 1 1 L I,. .fi/ --.I ,'//" ~ j ~f/;.~,""'f {JI"u..,I/;;toU" dd};:/l7"lff 7-A-= ;( 12fu. RLLr-L ';L~~'::' Jl7 d~,,~,~ :::.G, "3 tL- ~3J./0563 }JJc,4A--"j:CI<MJ;:J.vu. b~f'ti'1 .I J.. I) S'/ ...L1-0" J/ -L~..b.JL , h',aJi, ,lIl.J l.i ::;;;IPO .. 000 --f-- - ~ .....~ ~..'llo..b,. . " , " ~ ....! cc;;o=....--==____ ----..__ '.,~ .-.~. -~~ ""---'-'- ~- ~:: ~ VALUATIONS NUMBER OF ACRES Yeer Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved ,.;to 130 ..::>-0 .3tJ '. . -d , -.,5{) I .30 .30 ~, 'iF ;..;, .J'f 1","/ .-f4,.. .kL ~ }, . .-f, / ' 70<. / 'h_, / 7'/,. . -' /; j \ Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE (,70 7#'0 50 67'0 :7~c7 ?o 790 . '?;70 /J .J T~~ /070 1'/ ;; 0'0 /9.Po ,?IJ?O 7.0::0 ~ /'''<7 ~ .. - 7;. . .. , - . - LOT BLK. , SEC. TWN. ROE. IcJt2.l.J.1111~t.n4~{"iDI:3I1..~ ' ~. .-_.,.....__._L. ...~~~.....~_~""--..,._,_;."~ ~~ Bgn at a pOint 1320 ft N of SE corner of Sec 11-22-4; Tbn S 83008' W 457 ft to IP; Thn S 83008' W 80 ft; Thn S 180 ft to N. R/W line of Hoodaport Lake Cushman Rd; Thn E along said R/W line to pt due S of IP; Thn N 180 ft. to IP. ~.-~l~~ ~'"'=-;""'-<-"",-'lt-'..~..;.. - --~I -~