HomeMy WebLinkAbout422114490410 - I V,... File H.. NAIIE of OWNER COIlTllACT TO DISTRICTS ':"'d~ SALE PRICE Rd. loll. Port PUD FPD - - .QL 191'1fll FlOyd Hoyey et ux ~ 2 ~ H 1 1 L -' William E. Hoisinqton et ux(BE !l/O4 fI.- I I fL. IHJULc, ~ 426867 tty) II I L ~ "nn .... i - - - - - - - - - I-- f-- - I- - - - - _. - - - I-- - - - - - - .~_. .. ... ._- . '. .....-. - ~- , . .. - ,...~~-- .....~ NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS v.... OJ"" Tlmb.r Unimproved Imprond TOTAL OJ.... Tlmb.r Unimproved lmproftd Improv.m.nb B. of E. (BulldlnlP) VALUE (", :5 , .j--) ,5 () 30 30 - tc ,. ~~ - ---- .4 -'.- ~ - - 70 ~'; /~ E;l co . - 7- , _:'c.J I:) ~~:J ~-:)o /.:'C'\ , - M r / r;t") J()() I/'JC> j 1L (]OHI". ~ J.<;p- /h/E /.00 /. ) /- ".., XL /.OD IOCe 1000 N .5'.5' -~ 'I,f' ,) ~J>LJ -~r C! < ~ ,~~ h:. { "/Zoo 'T'R"o ~ , f- I I I I l- I I , l~ BlK. L 4-m~ 't1~fr~41 b . TWN. RGE. .' ....- ~- 1... ."'= . - - .~.'''""'''~''-'''-. -'-"-=<'f-';- '. ...;. ~-,-: That part of SE -SE-.lyi~ S of New Lake Cushman road and N of Old Lake Cushman road and E of Tract-sold to Hovey on deed #151275 except tract known as Tra~_L_o~-SE-.SE oWlied by George Brydon Deed #191288 and Tract-2 of. (:a~;"s~p~r13~~)s..on..~, -", 5 C,.' ~ That ptn of the SE SE, 11-22-4 W,W.M., described as fo11o.vs: CXM1ENCING at the 1/4 Section =mer COIlIlDn to 11 & 14, sd twsp & mg; th N 149 links to a post on the Sly right-of-way line of the = rd corrm::mly known as the Old lake Cushman Rd; th N 75005' E along the Sly right-of-way line of sd Old Lake Cushman Rd, 25 chains & 62 links; th N 91 links to the Nly right-of-way line of sd = rd; th N 75005' E, along sd Nly right-of-way line, 101.83'; th N 16013'16" W ao an intersection with the Nly line, extended Wly of a tr of land heretofore con- veyed to Billie E. Hoisington & Betty a Hoisington by deed 5/1/79 A.F.#360243, sd pnt of intersection being the POB of the tr of land hereby descr; th continue n 16013' 16" W to the Sly right-of-way line of the "New" lake Cushman Cb. Rd #4420; th El Y along sd Sly right-of-way line to the NW comer of Tr 3 of S. P . #587, recorded 9/7/79 A.F. #366590; th 5 14005' E along the Wly line of sd Tr 3, 70' + - to the NE corner of a tr of land heretofore conveyed to Gerald D.Gunderson by deed recorded 5/13/77 under A.F.#328374' th 5 75005' Walong the Nly line of sd Gunderson tr, 126' to itsNWLy =mer; th continue 5 75005' Walong the Nly line of S.P.#33 (Revised), re=rded 5/16/79 A.F.#36l022, 360.74' to the FOB. excepting therefrom the Ely 286.74' as IlEasured along the 5 line thereof. ,... ............---_.~".~...:_.:;....;;;;..".::-;,.~. . " .~..~.,... ....::. .~ - .1Irl'--~"","~..,.,.-, ....,.......,~- ~.' ...:.-. .~ _. .-~.......o~=::!"""""~.~:--~~- ~ ":J t! t..l ~