HomeMy WebLinkAbout422114390280 ,.. , ') I , -;::-, File No. -'f-----..--- NAME of OWNER 323220 68 236473 ~? Carl Linscott '-C:;;1;:~05717 I ~r1 .l177 )7322L~_ -n m.. ~~ ~"N II. d. A" ~ V I.I~TA) / 4/85 43Q1 lJ.' . ~...fY.J I I i CONTRACT TO Rd. 15th. I!?rf ~~~T~~~~S I --'~";:'.5 SA.LE PRICE Kenneth M. I I Conna I I V et u 2 ~04 H I I L H ~~5g8') n Wi II iam T. PAlbL"t lX 1~____..1ll900~ // /" i/ '...L.:.'rJ.A'~ H L L II .$4 Shi'lY'on T. !.awr pi v; er:LJ ee ~i!J~6!J WD -...---------- .. I-- . .. .-.- , . .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS -ar ,...'W' '~ Ild;.q/!"7[ C!.-c>/!~. Unimproved Improved 3,~5 j,3.3 I. I?% 1,33 TOTAL Oyster limber Unimproved Improved Improvemenft 8. of E. (Building,) VALUE 53:1;1 gj'tO t?4'fCJ :75/'0 J 170 11730 , S-900 5'170 /.t/-o?rJ - , ,36&0 Sl7r 117:30 /";uI5o I:?/. 7r: .311::l:::; 715,5 c:) 7/55 7750 77.5"0 /j? 20 /l-82.CJ //>~nD 80Cloo <'//10/> Vear Oyster Timber 10 ~ .. "I (!ANdeL 'I~ 0# In "71:59 2,-/; n TL i/ 2!!J Sff:t gt/ ><d St:6t S2~___ --- .7. '-f ( 1.&5 .2.t-{/ 1,65 -- ,-$-- ,<72 -~, --- __.+_n LOT SEC. BLK. TWH. RGB. I i G]2j;z.: I : f ~ q:.3:0 (0 r,,1.~i ~ .. . ,"",--_ ~,.., .4. "Ii~ ,");0 _-" ~ . ~- ~ <",:-.:t";""'d','..~>lk'>;"~,;;O,.-i..;:~-,",-'A'_.,,- ,.-~.- ,.- '-"-"';'~~,i'.~;;.--.-""'-"i.--''-.~''-' A tr of land in SW of SE of ~x Sect. 11-22-4W, W.M., daf: BEG I NN I NG at a pt on S-i i ne of sd Sect.. \ II, 1695' W of tE corner or) sd Sect. I I; t~ continue W alg S line of sd Sect., 945', M/L, to SW cor~r of SW of SE; t'n N, alg W I in~ of sd SW of SE, 45', M/L, to S~y R/W Ilneiof . "ol? HoOdspo~t-Lake Cushma~ Co. Rd"; th NEly alg sd Sly R/I:I line of sa,/' "ol,~ Hoodsport-Lgke Cushmari Co. Rd", to a pt thereon due Nof the POB;............. th 's .to POB. ' , /' S*CEPTING therefrom al I th ptn of SW of SE of sd section and the M~Cre@vy's 1st Addn to Hoodsport, . "',,~~~ -~.,.,..~.~-. ",~":~"'>~_.~_.~_ -~~':f:~","",., of sd premises wh Eline of Lot 18, extended Nly. lies between the W Blk 35 of the Plat ;::...scriptionl ~ l;...ct of hnd in tfle South_at quart." of th8 Southeast quarter 0' Section 11, TOMmihip 22 North, Rang. 4 Wnt W. M.. in M...on County, Washington, ~l"ticularly ~irbed .s foll~J Erv;,inning at a point on tM South U,.. of Hid Section 11, 1695 'Ht Wes':: of ttll~ Soouthg..t quartlrr of said Section 11, th~ continue '-.t, .long th. South Ii". of ...id ~t ion 945 ,_t, -.ore or I_s, to the ~./)l,Ith_.t cor""",, of tn. South...t quart.,..; tn.net! ~h, alon.g the w.st liNt of said Sout~,....t quarter of the South.,ut QU.rt8", _ 4S ,..t, 1lIII;.Mt or lIt95, to tn. Souh~ly right of lGy IiIW of the .Old Hoodllport-Lak8 Cu.:1..n :.e..anty RO.ij", to . point t~n dUll North of the PQint of bvgi.nnin~1 th.~ South to 't"'le po;;.''; of beginni~1 . EXCEPTIN6 THEREFR()IIt .all ttwlt portion of uid p".i.ea Nhich lien between the We-!;t Ii.... -=~ the SouthWlt5t qu.arter of the SOuth....t Qu..rt.r of .~id tiection ..1"Id the E...t line of :..c"t ;So Block 35 of the Pl.t of JllcRe.avyls Firat Addition of Hood5port, ItlltO!nded ..oc.-therly. =wD EXCEPT INS THEREFROM ALSO th.at portion lying Eil~terly ot the Westltrly liM of that "....ct of lAnd conveyed to DonAld E. G.rMrf'l AI"Id BarbArA Ill. Barren, huab.tnd ..nd wife by :Or.l E!>t.t!! ContAct '-eco"Cp-j l'Iarch 17, 1977. unde... ~uditor's File No. 3259211. C~~. ~ .. line of .~