HomeMy WebLinkAbout422114360085 I I DISTRICTS o ' J., Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO _ r , SALE PRICE - -- -Rd'IS,h.IPOri]PUDIFPD! I i #8815 68 230367 Frank F. Fieser et ux \1. D. Perrvman 2 40 -;;-~~~;-r ..ll2500 __ if, b?3SbJl .~ d / ;1, ,-::f-/ d'''' " .~ ru ,7fL;j I lL ry.;:y.3 0 L!tfJ!.I Jf. .L .L .l:.. y ,"' M b~M20 .:i--. .,,!;) , , A, //J.,~-;u;f ;J ;: ;:;,_ ' / ;?,rr;s-' ,/" t:2~__ &/71 33/:',13 V~ ;h), :/J" 'l,,, ,7i; I '1tJ. #SS;:2/.:,- , .1- 00,..., tfj.,1 IZJ.J 1/!;"f!,,;', Ad J-r U I "~ i :d... 1. p. n Iyj, .-77'. .,.I... I It -p- ':Z-?I&~ c,g ,;13"7;;;0 4'51:)00 1jg3 1/77.12- i)A-L~a. ~a:!4=',A'~ 1-5 lJl) -l ~!=- T t . "" 6"38'41 - ./in W.D. ~ I . . I i+t . --- I ! i -~~~~-- --~----_. i , i_l I ....... " ',,-. ,.....' . - "'J: .- -- ~c __ &:~_~_ ------- '---'~-' .- -- .. _.- .~.~-~- - - - -~--' .-,-.-"-----'.---- - , I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year I Oyster I Timber I Urlimproved ! Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved ! Improved ! Improvements . B. of E. (Buildings) I VALUE -- .- -H'1 I ., '-z.- 7- ~I 7S- . (/' ,t- .0 .:J I MI ;j,: , ., - 'IS- .:/S- 2Q. 502: 90 90 7:) /750 . c' 9..!-/) 57/0 , 1'1:- ~- /,,,1 -3.$,00 7'1.:2.0 /J"f.?- 0 ft. - ,36- '-'. J()~ /"1.<9:J 1!!1. 1{.;2 1-/..2 I :?OOJ ~::Zo(,.':; 30()1^" ~l h."":-,t', '. (') 1",-...'':' I g (Ie: C' _._m-'9-_.~ ..:3cJC C.J 13 / / I .1/ I /vj() I /&S'c , . f ?~ , I Lf (JOcJ '1tJo 0 i I I . I lOT BLK. . GIIlt-i I :,: <(:?l;'O~ofO't:iID i , SEC. TWN, RGE. , . r.~"..,-- .1;o"""-ii.?7, m-_........iaa..fl.,,~AJ.o~~J .c<-.L,.'"j<!--_,J. ~.: -- ,. -. '" ,,-"~"'-;"'"- --~,~:.~"">- r n " 1 Beginning at the SE corner of tract conv ed to Mason County Public Utility District #1 as recorded under File No. 178676; running thence Ely alung the Nly line of county road known as Old Lake Cushman Road to the W line of the E 1810' of sEt; thence N parallel wi th the E line of section to the Sly line ef county road known as Lake Cushman Road; thence Wly along said Sly line of road to the HE corner of mason County P.U.D. #1 tract; thence Sly along the Ely line of said tract to I.P. EXCEPTING therefrom tract conveyed to Mason County for Lake Cushman Road as recorded under File No. 235876. ~ x: ,"': .-' ~. . / tV 7-r' 't,' ,:"" '_.')~ Il' >-~.. ,~,:.;,,-.)<~.' -----, __.,C ",,",,,_.:;~~~ /) ',: J~ - ,- /. . r--:'> "- ~ ~ ':1 ~