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CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS - " SALE PRICE' V.., File No. NAME of OWNER Rd. ~~l~'~-- ~1It\:::0;) L. \;0 0;)11. 54 150578 G~~~~~L~~ckinson et ux ater Co.lnc 2 3J.!-HW-- ~_-1.. SFI_ $')00.00 ~ 160522 W""T,,,,..n iIT""h. W"T"'" r.,., T '" ) ,;( ~t/ JI .LL~~ " Community Utilities . Inc . if (Mf.I ( {LJL of /:;VM5 ~:0J (fr;~J:~~'~c' . !-- - - - - ~ /X? 7,r"! - - - - - !kL .:<4:;.;$5' J:,)j fro /)~L;,,/, "" 7;i h /j" 7'/0 :fJ..f-k ;j~' " <, "" !-- '-- ~ ?A5.3 /,f J.Ir ~HUMrl , <./h<.v ____ ~ _.- 3c Jj51.tj(itu-L,.AM<fr"~if.J~ ~ ~~: , - - -- - M " I - - - - , 1/7 'I g.)$Y.{':'- ~~ )).td~"I' Ifa-e... ~5(J() - - - - - - - - - - - - =-": " -. .~~,,~~~~_""':""_~~------------~:'_',,::,_,,:,::;:'.>---- -~----~-==~~~-~--~-~~=~=== NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS 1# SO Yeer Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber I Uolm"md Improv.d Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE -.21i:. 10 10 30 30 ~ 15.29 15.29 RO 80 52 /5:29 15.';/<; /.,20 /...;('0 li /5;! i /S:~/ /S"o /S-o (~? 1 /90 / ~.~) 14- 7" S-u .;L S- 0 'Z2. ':/, ---$Z2.iL 900 ,- -) 1';, ,c/c,~ .-) "':7"20 Z:f- II -'1 , 71, -/ 0 70 of ~1 Z2... 6,;11.7 10 ;1.') JI/.3o .3/.30 10 3?",~~ L.:g ~~S:2'J II j,. :<7 (,,27 t,.;< 70 (,.:2. 70 Z5' 7t'"/o 7,f'lZ> : I LOT BlK. lECl. TWN. RGE. ~~~:~;O.O:Dll~ I I " .., TX'.. Jr, ;. . ,-, .", ""'J ~"." ~ '-~-f ~ -. .-' . _'_._,,:"", .__;-'c;_-._ l-j ._ , Tr. 1 includes NE NW SE, E 110' of NW NW SE, E 11~1 of N 110' of SW and N 220' of SE NW SE. Was assessed as Por. N 2/3 of NW SE. EXCEPT the Wly 470' thereof. (See Tract 3 NW SE) ~,"".:'~ ~-- - //- / / ) <" ;- I " _.a___ ~......,