HomeMy WebLinkAbout422113490020 ~r-;;;:-;:--I----'-' NAME of OWNE~.fj3J'1$7 I CONTRACTTO 7. ":zn.LL..__CESIGNATED 6L7_L 3292&7_ -r;bat:J.es. F V; rg; n i" Ilm~teacL 1/77,,3;;''7.,;;7;1. f(~ ---bf( -3-?'3':?~ ~, !fiL3(p'l5.2L _~__. .,'. .J./ ~.' ~L dlY770 ~4-'J. ;~u" .t Iv,JE.;:~.R-) 7/'2!:JZJ ; v (j r- DISTRICTS 3.-?~- Rd, 5ch. Ip.,rt pu~1 fPD I I " MJ... ,I, , IH ' .J.L I Vni! i-I 1 / L lL_ fi~.~9 .-- . . ...... ..--- -, NUM!FHF ACRES ~.'!r Oyster _ ~: ~O"'d Improved - ;? .3 C '17 J>~' _! '79 r- ,/ /.SV-' .2'2_ 9" 'b/ 1---- g~ ,--..:.-~/ Ii.., -)c/-"1 Is-I- I I TOTAL Oyder Timber .;), .3/) ~.:J..:J c/.I ,,/ 'f" .:J ;> 1-- ;:(.r.; _'J.r c;- 2.00 ,2,..-1 ~~') 1---- -- 1----- \ LOT SEC. SLK. TWN. RGE f4l~r~2JjTll3;-St;q:O~ ' ..-..t....,~~""-... -.,.. -'-.-.-. "''''--''-'' SALE PRICE ~ I."l,':<:d , I #-~G(P~41 '2Q __ U 5'0t!. &>'1'177 a.lD - VALUATIONS I -. -- Unimproved Impre....m.nts (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE Improved /7.s- -20 70 /75 2070 ..Y~ 7 c> ..::0..7~.:2.$3'::2 cl .3f?OA ,;21.550.;l.S.3.5o ::01"00 ~3.:l.<.<: :J.70~- 1/:>5;0 +1/-/30 5Sb8"o JOSle) 4l.)/30 SI/&,,,-'[) /63c7.::J 44/:30 51/.t.J?Jo l.So"'o ~ '17"c; LJ<l7oc; : - ~o,~'_AH ',-~'.l::"":"'f"\"""'~~" ~-.-. '''''-~.>>'''"f'':'- -A.I..I_that e.ortion of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter oLSection--n, Township 22'NOfftl;--Range 4 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington, lying southerly and easterly of the southerly right of way of the county road known as Lake Cushman Road No. 9420. (Tract I of S.P.#1020) AI I that ptn of the SE SW, 11-22-4 W,W.M. in Ma. Co. Wa, lying Sly & Ely ot the SEly right of way 1 ine of the co. rd known as Lake Cushman Rd #9420 EXCEPTING THEREFROM the tol lowing desc tr; Beginning at the intersection of the S I ine of sd 1/4 quarter with the SEly right-of-way I ine of sd co rd; th S 86040'27" E - along sd S line 160'; th N 02022'42" W 137' +- to sd right-of-way line; th S 50022'30" W along sd right-of-way 200' +- to the POB. EXCEPTING THEREFROM al I public rds, CCC rds, St or alleys. ie-- _z -c:-c----:_-_""'-'--o .- --.,."".-;