HomeMy WebLinkAbout422011490110 DISTRICTS ::- - , . You FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO l . C>- ~ SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Po., =]~ rR TIooo.1 u_, --- 0+ nv ') H,^ " ,.R. !JzL . :< J. ;e~ cf. ;f ~ J.{Uj. ,f( L t/a4 Iii fI . 7So::;,fJ'Go 1~7il ,/7 <: Go? t1 ?f;;: .2 Po .HI J- . ~. ) 7..yO(l~ 7.;(c,co 393110 C-jJ,;J ;. 11&;:;!i,--:1--. n~'/"A~:- ~D - I-- - - - /Ill> (, In. ,,/ 7_,~1 n J11A'{[ , -+J. I/~. ') ~ '1s~~ / /,,, 'fS-Y'/31 ... I I - - - J - - - - - - . . - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ~ . ..' '. ---- --------------_....~="'- ~ .=.~=--~ ---~------.., =~_________~____________________~__ c_~_ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUAnONS V.ar Old.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Old.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improftd ImproVlmenu B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE M /; " OJ ilr1 ./,-:' /, / ':'.' .;;< ,Y'o 70 ~.d'7o , t.;"'" 6f _./U "-< - :J,Y70 Z7" 0 ,.::i'r~~ 70 , v' 5;/ .,LJ /~ ~. 71,5"0 . 2L 1,;( 'f .:7,) 3J&0 /. .:; t, N) 2i J,;;< <!; 0 ;/6 f 0 /~'/4/ Ci 1!:L I. .- ..:<-'1 ?~? '13 Sen 1:;''129(') , ?IR ,~7-y) IW-6) ~u~.."~,-) .7L I, Q ~ ^ . ',' ,1__) /, /3 .3.? 7o(J ~J'3S{J ;:.~ 0 '7e ~..5.:Z..r . "','; .(,.. J:tL 337/JO tf./~.:3S 7533S' '21 /.... . . ~/J3M 1~/9CJ() . II ~o .07 ,57 IjfJ;2 ',~ I, i.. L~ 57&/7(' 9:;,-S.,o S~ .3;: (;, ~;~ I{f .5'i() loe 1'10 .~ rt'i 7'7;<00 5't:. 15'0 1t7?3,S'o ~ ') <( cr",() ,,(....OC /.(ISC('l , I LOT elK. lEe. TWH. RGE. iiliLz.iOl/;~ ~. . ~,- - - - * .-.-, " -, '" . '~"~'l' r' ".,.-"" ~. . , , >~ (Now Tract B of Short Plat #655) Beginning at tne meander corner common to Gov't Lots 1 and 5, , said Sec l' tnence S89030' W along tloe N line of said Lot 5 to . -- an intersection wit'" E line of PSH #9; th ence Sly along the Ely line of said right-of-way line to a point tlo ereon whicJo is N 6P W 38' and S 290 W 166.40' from the p.o.b. ; tloence S 610 E to tJoe line of extreme Low tide; tloenc e Nly, along line cf extreme Low tide, to a point S 460 E of t n e p.a.b. th en ce N 460 W to p.o.b. XCEPTlflC thor" H ~ ~c, , . " . . ." he above described property, e4'<'" ~9.3 /90<1 . '..:.'- -- ------ -~- - - - - .,.,-.~ EXCEPT: Tr 17 of Govt Lt 5 Tax 1145-L-1 & 409-0-1 . J