HomeMy WebLinkAbout422011400010 Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS _ =? ;:.. .:. -- Rd. 8ch. Port I~ FPD _ 2 ~ ...H..L_~..k d.W!../LLL.L fl( ..L flOH If I ( -'=- JL SALE PRICE' ~ 66$12 Dess J. Haines, Et, Ux. ,2Li/76,hb tff,,J,,,'-/f' ;V~&--: "zf~ ~PI;i,c>'1'1 C}-.a~fit) "-'k' .-.; _"' ..... c-i'~b 'bl.A,.., /p/J;',,) P /CL'1l ' . -r ",,' ffib.fJ7ffo1::1" j (1.- J,Cu'J!~ 1/ :Jf!433Ji/;s YJ LOL8D. )R)ng4 ,I~r~ I T~" IAr !I.li- :J~blt/I J\, ,f; aXOAI Fr tA~'" 1""",//,0. tfjt r. U i! .)/001 ) A 'Ili'3000 ::;d/;;l.2':'~ q (&-1: i1'/ /_d/ ".. 1'-', /.33 d~ ""'0. ~r~ ~;("';?I"c:. ""'L:1QOd.,,:J> 'JJc~:'i-.:2+'(S 1t 53535 :7,'ii50D 47/6;ZS' 475//on ------1 __-=-';.~~-=-____._...__~=--=-=--=-__~...:-__=---______..._~~_:-,;,:.n '~p...=-_ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Veer Oylt.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.br Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlnllli) VALUE il /.30../'1.' ,It? ,/0 30 /6'0 /..-fo 57 !;}<Jjt', .If) 10 :'50 150 7/0 -110 52 I.:;,/)j'f? ./i' //1 -3c:J -t)- /~ >>..-1 !? 9 /J . . .!i!1- /0 9'0 () 7/0 /C;;;;..O ~ i'li3ai e. _/0 ./0 -=-- ;loo 710 /b/t!:> (P/ /..3 () ;fl' ./0 .10 900 10.~ L9?t'5'.. Q /.-':15 :r. ~ ./0 /. t/S' 900 Ie>>; /9t/-.5" 1.30 . - . ,( //20 /_"'/u ---:.i ~/5<.J .1./1',- ~ de/'J/) /..3'/, '7 33/,.; J4- c/ ,-<-----"h-) ;J ",J! ,,:' ..' c; ;' ,s /~' ,~o/'~ ~/,. , ~ ('",'> "/, / , .v , (, I, j .l.L 7/;'(; ..3 ? "'I !J / ;;Z /'J -Iv .1!L ''- /,t, ,::' /C' 7,'" <,- 1,.2,(; ,\~;) 1/1' . ~) ,-,/' "". /,,7..-> -to , -,q ";'-'.' I. .;~, g}. t. 31 t.r. / ,10 1./-(5 ,{.1...5?r;o I/" 7023, 837;2.:5 LOT BLK. .- , SEC. TWN. ROE. ,1,4i~iz..:O I . _. :-T '(1)'0: 1'01 '. .,4 ) ~f"_ " '.'- T , , - - -_.- """'~ 176 D P- 208 ~ ~ ~17"'::<.o& 1ft"! '1. - p, 5-0 Por. GOV. lot 5, Sec. 1- 22-4. "ith tidelands adj. Beg. at thlermeander Xim corner common to ov. lots 1 and 5. thn. So. 290, west alon~ the meander line ~~'H@ ft. to the,point of Beg. thn. no. 6;0 west 3'l#ft. ~~.a:;~he eastepfy line of U. ..., hy.10I. ~hn. along the easterly lJ.ne ....0.;;(.. 'west/~ ft. t.hn. So. 610 east to the line of extreme low tide; Thn. No. along said line to t~e point which is So. 610 east from the true point of tieg. Thn. No. 610 west to the true poing crr-Beg. Thn. No. 610 west to the True of Beg. That part of Lot 5 1-22-4 W,W.M. in Mason County, Wa; & of Tidelands in front thereof daf: BEGINNING at a point on the meander I ine of Hood Canal S 290 W 566.4' from its inter- section with the N 1 ine of sd Lot 5; running th N 610 W 39' to the Ely I ine of U.S. Rt,#IOI; th S 29020' W along sd Ely line 108' +- to a pnt thereon which is S 290 W 674,4' & N 610 W 39' from sd intersection of meander I ine with sd N I ine of Lot 5; th S 610 E to the I ine of extreme low tide of Hood Canal; th NEly along sd I ine of extreme low tide to a pnt S 610 E of the POB of this descr; th N 610 W to sd POB; EXCEPTING THEREFROM publ ic roads if any. . ". -W:.'H".r. .~.",- e.-.:-, I I I I I I -I I I I I .--'- - . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improwments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE '-5 ;. 3i)/..c... 10 /, '/5 17, ~-?(') ,'7 VOrl 9<.100""