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\ Ytar Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /30 SALE PRICE' Rd. "".. Port PUO 'PO I - - - - -- ~ 92038 Va1eve Payne Webber 1 ~09 2- -- L - ~ J.qtJ61'1 m; IJI. ttlllJ. 'f;L" -" U j- tU.. //> AI'\ 1- g",; 'k>,,~/ I.l ~ ); d//ld# ) .7///Y - - - - - ;ff 4/'",-2 'I Z- ~ 3?7cJfL/ 1(7 ~ ?f ...L I3d'1 ..l. L L JL Fz f,=:Y"oo ~ dI.LI"'LL'1 '" -+/ 11 , 'Y11: .-( 1';.,/ ~. ""9/73if. J - - 1"#"0 Ita ~ 1/531..6 &&L J. ,[) tiP tJ?U -It. fA () rlll f93h - - - - - - *%f7"~ ~ tI s-r..-Id '-f .;:;" . -;:T/ c:I 1 /(~ .fL u /'i. ~) ! !>DO wn {j - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - -I ~ . -..;--. - -( ~~--_..._=---=-=-~---~..:_~--~.-----~----_......--..............---_:.......:..:.~-~..:..:.:::':'::":"':::;;:~ ----- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Old.r Tlmb.r Unlm~roved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemlnb B.of E. (Buildings> VALUE ,3 '3 33 -- 2() .:?5? ~7o , J)/7 4J ;;(60 3c1'cJ 4- 6i.. .33 ' ~ S' /')!? 7" c:J yo " '-- kzL ,.33 33 GO 7'-0 90 C? .,-'" ~Q ~o // CJ , , 7:J . . /.-:: u ,:;' ;L C1 ~ / // ~ /_/" . /'l.Jr- ,.c...., r.- ~,..>u f',;-. , , ,/0 (J r: - " /.;1 'i " ~ 7S- t-i.- - - / /,f c/ r"'~ C.i.:~.) 13.fo ,- " ,!.. S I'"' //%j .- I r P(') i!.... I ~- ",# ,~".' .- 'ISo (" '7.(/,~ /,; / 9~n,-0 9::-cc? ,:...:.- - , LOT BLK. . SEC. TWN. RGE. ~':l' ['.1-' fD .1' ~ I) /') 'ol1IW ) l , '-'.1., .....G.f ~Yl ,NW ' ,,' , , -<-",." .. ' .. ' , ' L, r- -~~ . Beginning at an iron pipe marking NW corner of said SW NW. trence E along tre N line of said 40. 254.5' to point of begin~ing of the tract of land hereby described. thence S 560 40' E along tre N line of Hiway #9. lr5'. thence N 450 i-f" . to the N line of said SW NW. Thence W along N line -f~ f" . to point of beginning. Ju" lu'tu-~ 5/8 J ~~.;,.~-'-O-_-- L..-