HomeMy WebLinkAbout421250002010 , - ~_NO. -r---- ~ONTRACT TO YM' HAME of OWNER DISTRICTS /2/. SALE PRICE ,d, 5th.ll':lrt PUD I fPD I I - b/j~ 304175 bT~~~' /O~~~I_ RCW 84.33 - ~9 \-jl 333,~ /c..,r ') 1,I'\c L 1141R~8 ~ ~~7.1o---.z; ;-Z !fkZS,;J7l - _n___. ------ l-___ -- . - r.:to..." NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS -- r;' / - , iC Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvlmlnh B. of E. (BvildinQ'i) VALUE 11 CLASS. FORESl 73.3/ '79,. q / 5'17c 597D ?rlo ~ (,,; , , !,~-- .' -~ /'),,>' c."":: 7[; lo~-f ~ _...J) iSI,,/t J I :? I .' .. ;J,D~IO /IJ 3>;(') 3'(1 no ~ 79 ~ J,/,-"1CJ,(J J/) =is--( 0( 7' 35'0 /)) . /5."7 (?-'o G It,~~o - VU r .J..' .... 17/C' I) :;130 //.l 3 50 5' ~;?) , .;/ / '~ ' 1 1 . /',/'/ / PI bJ 13mQ 17&''' u .fOe) ?6(l - ! - y:,I ' " I!? [, " -~- 14- ,;" . '-fOJ I3rJOO 11\, 5"'/ ..2 :: G:' - --- --.:.~- Q) --- J t~ <{..S' I, t3 I '/ tJ ...:!.K. ,I /t '1tJ I) '-I~5"o e- ;"~ ~S() ~i /:.. /~- '-:- /:.' Oc;J() / '/ ':',-1~-:; 1/::-7'; ,j- Xl: " -'i.2 :; f) I 7/7$ eLAS _ ft)~~ /. ~ 9_' - ....:- -- .-- ~. ~', ,~ 2: /"':.' -',', /3('(~L-; /' . ' L;~. <,3 () j / - '. - ~, . , :'1/ i '",",:1 s- J , :~.;.' 1'-' r,,/"~;> /3YQO '.,3t:Joo /9 :?oo '!:'/,,,,,, ~ /3P30 /"-0(){] I? FeU <f: I ~' I"....., I i LOT BLK. ! !,,:~;"() '0'(')',:;.: n~ IE SEC. TWN, aGE. lq::z.' J 1"-.__25, 21 4 Tract 1 oIl' 1/2. d.t.s.e " * "'..... ---_,~., ~'F.:9~~ /I~a ~, . ,-' 'On' ,R'. '::'f A tract of land bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at the point where the W line of the NE SW intersects the southerly rlw 1 ine of the Co. Rd as the same is establ ished; th Ely alg the sd Sly rlw 1 ine a distance of 1650'; th S 1980'; th W 1650'; th N 1980' + - to POB; all in 25-21-4\~.W.M. Add by 1 342750 A tr of land bounded and desc as follows: BEGINNING at the pt where the W line of the NEi of the Slfi intersects the Sly r/w line of the Co Rd as the same is established th Ely alg the sd Sly r/w line to the intersection of aforesaid Co. Rd known as the Brockdale Rd with A Co. Rd known as the Webb Hill Rd, th Sly and SEly alg the Wly r/..' line to the pt of intersection of the E line of the Sec; th S on sd E line to the SE cor of the sec; th W on the S line of the sec to the SW cor of the sec; th N alg the W line of the sec to the NW cor of the swi of the swi of sd sec; th E on the N line of sd SIft of the swt to the NE cor of sd swi swi; th N to the pob; Ex: SW SW -~ --.