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Ye.r FII. No'" (J:5.3 f J NAME of OWN~ <.., , '01- 35)/-/:') ---53- 139<'51 F:r1w"rrl I.PP. ---1..i.. i 2 '15 - ,I(, R'. _ A ~ L .-"~"'" __...;=;;~ ~. .b.. Rll(!kpr pt. llY ~_cl.//I/ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~: 1..2- Rd. Soh. Port PUOIFPD NUMBER OF ACRES ..~_=_=_=-==__-=-=__-=--___.__;c...-=-=__ Vaer o,..t.r ..6,/ -~ .2I b.L M I . 1.".'.'.- h7 Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAe I 3,so c2Ji'tJ cf<,5/7 -? S-o 7/ It! 1. ZL ('.., IHY"'_I~'" L2..L_J-'I;/,/.~/ Ir'.",' ~So .8. 7 t!- . ~.5 LOT OLi<o SEC. TWN. RGE. :,' f .~'/- '. ,- <- 3,,5"0 , '1 .-, /. a(). "" ..,// /, dtJ 'l.~/) /. t>-V 3. s-v / 60 .3-56 f, ,~::\ II. I d. Oyder ," " F )/'~ , /-'(' '* , TImber ., . ()r' g //,/'" ------ ---- ----1- VALUATIONS UnImproved h.proved 3v ..;?~- ..5:::J S-o (- " 7'- .J //00 ~J._f'J-'if:riiD ,3 iol l~ of E.l. " -.\ ~J M S-o SALE PRICe: > '- #$5 ,- "Gt'th v/,:, -$ ,/ a~.ti-.,,;:;/-<>J'-:2. vC'O "~--~ b "j'.:' Improvemenu B. of E. (Building..) VALUE OVi' 67/.l 5~/~ ,0' /5 5~d ~+0 7(".5'" ,t{,S- . (c:- /0';;',5, /.. r;. S" /tJ0:'-;' /.;2 oS- /3J .2/';0 ';0C, /~:.--o / ,,,1 /0'//1) H70 0 /--:..;,.2,,": :,/r,:."":.-": , -1. ...... ..;.... 01 >.~ /,.<1 'J J:r) 1/'17D,). t.3't5o /4-Zt>ro rl11'-'n b57.5/) _ li,7:');' <'y'.] 9."J(1 ") J)6So . . , '~. III that portion of Eto! NW! of Sec 18-21:-4~ lying S of the Co. Rd. as now located and Nand W of Vance Creek. containing 3.5 acres, more or less. .-. ' - .V' --- '-'-----.--=a ., "