HomeMy WebLinkAbout421182100220 !:,;,- You File No. NAME of OWNER Dlsm'CTS , ~- t-, 2. Rd. Soh. portl~l~__ 2 400 1 L ~ .... 1/ '71h"1 ~ ) L" ~<>r- -I- .;...- .?\ v ~ 7d tt:1.<'JcJ / .g,R, J05! g~~ 2--- ,~.?.s-o....:?~r'"".{ ~ X'f / iJM+_ 1- 9 1/ .t:L1r-7 1,1/ CONTRACT TO SALE PRICS -.5..l 101'\1)1'\< MAry 1,1111; "., <;tiner -fl-1/7'7'a;oS' A ,1",4... 711t.:,;. ..d ~ / c.; b 1:7.J'; 5(3)7' //1/ t/. '/?f, 1>>.i!' ..lI, /91~ 33511& /1 u I' e, . .35/54.3 171 3S&3f5 Ru.~~,.i lY,t)(!YV dJ #3 .#/3$olh"-""E# 1/ (;"'Lf<H?.E/." I,*,3 .</.;n:?s, Lit.:'</Rhl ,LIz--< ~ "-!;U'()I",,,~ U I- #5'7'775 J ()DV I- -I-- -1<13='0 +_ 1Nd3Zg '#X2-S-~6 6X1/J_ ""- ,gy,? 7</ c./-3/...s-CD ",,'.0 -- ---- ---I- ---I-- I'~_____,:,______~~___________________________________,:'"':.~~G_ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year ay.tar Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy..ter Tlmbtr Unimproved h"proved I(:~r~~r:::r ~ArJE 170% /~c/ ,30 f'fL'o /030 /yC' ,2/),1 g~ 1//761 -2 c:I 0 .P CO :;:? -frId /.-:/4/0 ~ 0-0 ~ '1;;;<.0 /3.;2.0 ;;;;~ ': '~7 //= - Ii..:;,-y "/t- :5~ ;;. ~-o 1/':-) -: i;..:;- / ~ () 5) u' .. I::: = 0 ",.? 12 /";?-I/J /.1-2/1) f, r" - ~-i /o-~;"'r'.'-- /;'/;;..- /~,~o /OO,Y() /r::f-:- .~,;;.~5;J-S ~/7.:.- /,.;.: Y/.:.J ://s:::;' 6LI hI. ~-- ffZ k (,,(. h7 ,;(9, (.,1 ?!J/.,/ l7.t;',/" j .:< b. 10 / / :<1,'1 , LfoO ..:!9/1 < -?/, de) ~j7,4/ <l:crO .:2.'/.(;,/ ::dr, 2L Z2 73 .l4- 2L a ~6 IIcFL IX. ';t f 7 I'c;.h ;:?.!.:; Sf/ ;1(,,(..1 .,3, " U r/ J.'J ,Lc!:Z- I To,;' D ,~ 'I yo) /,:: ') .J <cr,/ ~ , /'I; _(. L-(.. . ^ >/. - ~, I ?22lJ -?- '/ '/'\ 3, ': C 21/. /7.7.;Lo 2:: ;:-'j t,;_ I !le./", :;,:r. :2 / 26CJ ]"'.5r 24{c /e ..n =?R.<; 3{,.E~ 3703Si LOT SEC, BLK. lWN, ROE. Ell;l.tl- LL?::lO.o z..:z-,ol ,Tr 22 of Ea NW , .~'. , , _,A '" l.. ... , The~! of NW! of that part of SE! NW!~ lying N of Co'. Rd, running............ in an ~ and Wly direction across said Forty in See 18-21-4, ~^ exeepting~~refrom .// All that portblt,of Et of NW! of Seo, twp and range, lylng'N of Co'. Rd'. as now located an~ of Skokomish River and W of Vano.e---Creek, the land hereby eeft~eyea epted containing 8 acre~~~ore or less, being 20 rods wide along the Rd.; ....." and further ~xce~ting there a tract 9~~nd partly in BE! NW! and partly in N~ NWt Sec 18-21-4, tic ~rly descri~ed ~s follows: Bgn at intersection of N line of o. Rd. in SEt NWt, said See, twp and ra~e, as the said ro snow tablished, with the E line of said SE! NWt; Thn N along Eline 0 d $E~ NW! and E said NE! NW!, to NE corner of said of NWt; Thn W along N e of said NE! NW!, 13? ft. Thn S para wi th E lines of said NEt NWt and said BE an inters on with N line of said Co. Rd; Th Y along the N line of said Co. Rd., 132 ft, more or of bgn, and being in Mason Co., Wash. ,Jl'''''i~ -tf/,p:, s"" AF1i3.35786.for descripti.on with regard to Survey Vol. 3, pg 95, AI I that ptn of E 1/2 NW 1/4 18-21-4W.W.M., daf: BAP on the N 1 ine of sd E 1/2 NW 1/4 S 890 23' 01" W 132.01' from the NE corner thereof; th continue S 890 23' 01" W 188.07'; th S 000 04' 05" W 1743,72' +- to the Nly r/w I ine of Skokomish Vally Co. RD; th Ely alg sd Nly r/w I ine tap which bears S 000 04' OS'! W from POB; th N 000 04' 05" E to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. . .,-,=.0' .. e.. ....J-~ .', - '.-'-- ,~" Ii' r_ J-V --,----..7~ " - - ~. I NUMBER OF ACRES I. , VALUATIONS ~?tJ I Year \ OY$ter limber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved ! Impr?Y~m.ntJ. : B. of E. , I I I ('.,ld"O') VALUE d6CJ , &.. ~-- , / ,. "' -. I /7:755 ~/.'71' 1..::z.::J"i"3.:7' --- .. , .. ~s ':<97 </S7 7.5"'1 I/g'l3~i /()/GJo I ':U':53.5'" - , , I I , i , - I , I - -" ' , - --- f---- ._- I : , I , I I - ---f-, , , ,- ----,- ---- --- -, I I I I f--- .n. 1---, I , ,,__- -. -- , 1 I -- ~._. ------ -~-- --- --- - --- ----- I------j - f--- -----~ ---_.- ---.-- i I l ,--'-1' \--- - ---.- . - I . . -- ,n, , ------i-- I I I i ! ,