HomeMy WebLinkAbout421182100140 c; '" ;; y.., File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~ .~~ 31. " SALE PRICE' ;d' +~~=~UDI=~~SF , 53 108726 James Dailey et ux I 3357$-7 CD d 2i:1:2. lL L " 'Yii t1.. Ida - --- "3b3/ty.{. '7-fiIJ. J 2..- <d.-'.A/)O - 10/83 4;:2Zfof ~MJ 'f~/,j(j') v .f/ ..L !-/-M.{. I 9 .L JL fz !J,.:r) t- -I- I- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - c- -- - - - - '-- - -- -I- - I- -I I I , ___--...41 _Ii Jr ., .,,,-' '- ~... .. . - ---- & " -.;-.1' . ..._ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ({,.?,~ Year Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylltr Timber UnImproved I",proved ImproYemenb B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE Sl-I f.." /jO t.,SO ~O ;;;i 3 0 -y,,/o :$ ~5d ,,:;;, D () ,J.2J) ,/}{} .I'd" c:' 3S'v l~....:?o I-=-- -- . 61 #. .'?{} ';<,tItJ Ih,S{} ..~/:' //- c1 -&- /50 M -I,.jCJ cfl . cJ r) (,,$o So /00 /o,f'CJ /:<':]0 iR..L '-/.00 01. /H) {"",57/ bO /0-0 /356 15"0 ~ (,.'" 50 /00 "..~~ /~'-o ~ 0(, :If, 2.- &:,,; /30 /90 k:/ /,3':- F . ""0 C- . ,_.. i...j .r ~-' 21 :.-,_r~ , .;;;7,:) .:'{ 0 .5'::0 .- ..L I COO /7"00 ..., -) r ~ ,.-/,-..... , .1!:1:... 9' - 4~i ' '-I~! J",,, " , I. .' - / ' .-/./" J -/ . - - 71 11'0: N; '''-j /. ,- 'i';'<. -- Ij..,')/ ,~ /,',..:- I/c;oi. ..-', , . - ,'/, I' , , . '-~ S/ /7[00 17..500 <;1Q .:J.:J. Ie. 5 ,J -J I (,." LOT BLK. &Ee, TWN, RaE. ~.Li.1 12., I.o~o~i~<i, 01 , " . 4 Tr. l~ of NE NW -. .,Ie "f ."'" -- , ~. - .' , ,""'- , "'Alrtha;t port.-j,.().n..o.f~El of NWt;- of See l8-2l-4~ ~-y!Wg lLo~o=i-RI1';', as. now located, and S of the S~m-1BR IilUNU". B.ij[,_ of Vance- Greek, the land he:tej)_Y_CQ-Bvey-ed, containing 8 acres, more or 1tles, -be1-ng 330-:r-~ a.long the road. Exc 14 A AI I that ptn of the E 1/2 of the NW 18-21-4W.W.M" lying North of the Skokomish Val ley County Rd, W of the cll of Swift Creek and S of the fol lowing described line: Beginning at a point on the W I ine of the NE NW of Section 18, which is N 000 02' 10" E 398.05' f rom the SW corner thereof; th N 690 45' 38" E 288,23' th S 890 30' 09" E 68.42'; th S 720 18' 06" E 258.54'; th S 670 46' 50" E 294' + - to the c/I of Swift Creek, and the terminus of this described line. EXCEPTING from al I the foregoing, road rights-of-way. /- ~ 1.u;, U.L..t-f 3/('15 ~ -."~, ......_=F~. ....... .-e ,;"'4--- DISTRICTS - Y... File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO puolFPO SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port - - - - ---5l. 1'37512 Lawrence Putvjn et. llX .. 2 !f.QO - L -- k... - ~Ar- j , ,;? ) H /~:..h~ .....22:.- ~ L- 15--,pe; . 41h " 'i . 1- ., ", 1/,?-v/?1. -,...J y'-, . j .J'':V-<'" - ~/7 , I .\'jn, Cr).. .1 /,~<<-.,<~, '-1 ./'.o..lJ. ."' CJ,) , , I e-- - - - ,,-... \/,..: \ ')t:' ~ J ,.~. " ~ . / '" !"'.-(" ;/ - ........L.- - - - I / " -I- e- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e-- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - I I ~. , .. .. ..'..~ ...~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyller Tlmblr UnlmproVld Improwd TOTAL Oylter Tlmblr UnImproved lI..proved ImprOVlmlnll B. of E. (BuIlding..) VALUE d- Iso /,50 70 /30 --Zoo -<Z, -- '"-.;t:J /.'0 () /,.~ ~() :;71 /~.::?O .;::zoiJ /; ./iO ht!tJ .I5() & ..3;J /3c::J ~3CJ '? - / 51 F>O J. 00 /. ~u ~D SD (Co /60 00 ,S-o j,o-v I. 5'"0 :>0 .5'""0 CY /crV &> -" ~, (" . I ~ .'"_-:- I,;; ,- 2Q - r/ j,-:: I_'--:J ,;;? ~" ~.U"O 2L 1.-)0 0-:Jo ^ , '- .' -# I: - J 100 II DC I7C J:'? lo~ .Ie y '/ ,/ -. -' , "-_._--, --r---~ _.-~ .-. ~";:" /7 ' .'oClN61 Ilc'-'~ y..>/ rr/ /,K. /.:L 'Vcri-~ ~:< - ~ :;'/.' . f 1/.. ' 'J ~ I- I I I- LOT BLK. rrJ ~ . -' ---- . :- ~-.1 SEC. TWN. ROE. .~ . , , , . I '." ,- -- --'- Tr. .------ .. '" ~~.. ". .. .~ , The W 144 ft. of that portion of E, of NWt of Seo 18-21-4, lying N of the Co', Rd'; as now looated and S of the Skokomish River and W of Vanoe Creek, the land hereby oonveyed oontaining one and one half aores, more or less', ..-,~_. - - ------. .~