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. Ylar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS S(,.,;2 SALE PRICE' Rd. ..., Port PUD FPO - - - - 53 105246 E. A. Harris 2 400 1 ck- IJ ~ /F/ /.~ .0 /7t 7''1 tJ ~,,/i,f.L.jL ~ ~ ..L ).. d . '-""~Yd.r- - (;",()O ~ ...... 6f' ~:J?ltJ 7'. >'.ill.,.. -/J > ~. r1d.. j~. &:::)". 6D C; ,.f if ..L 1P!1 - ( 'I L JL I"~ - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.--- . ~ ....~=---._----..-~~-"""~...._~ ,-:.. .---- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS - Year Oyster Tlmblr Unlmllrond Improvl<l TOTAL Oyster Tlmbu Unimproved Improvl<l Impro....m.nb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE .sY 3).SD '7. -b---r? 4'0 f?(';o 370 0/0 1'1</0 5;': ;'/ J9 'if' >? / /./ tJ,rJ, 930 4<:.-0 ?/t:' /97'd .' f;tJ t'tJ , 6,</ q; /9 ;1.%'/ ~..;kJ -'160 ,'1, =( c'l .:! .:U r it 3/ I </ 5'1/ ~.cJC:> if.3 C) ~S-C) 95'"'5"" ;;;'33~-' ~30 rS"6 790 ~/70 " ~ ~ //'0 s-,~ ,~~ ';;;7/0 ,1tL 5 !5~) FO //.;2 t; /9"'~ S;~!() 2L -'!A ~1. ~" ~'7tt.F. '7J :9/./9 -'.Z.RL 91. 00 L~/O ~ /~lJ U 3/.12 R~ 39. co ~O 77d1~ 1/55 ...fJ~ ~ 0 -~/-o 1'1:1 ~I 5;;JD .2:1..:J~ 7SC15"' ,- /5"?~ .1i 2u .0 17,.;,$" ;75:~ .3~O ~ 178 .3 Jf) 7/#l5 ~ ~ 17J1- IIIJJ - ~ ~ l:A 7,,;( ot!) 4/.t;/ ~/J) 121 Ir :J()t/. ':ll -- ,'aMl6l . . ~ . .. LOT BlK. IIEC, TWN, RaE. ~1~7)d7f~ ~ ,~,' 21 4 12_ -NE NW . - -~ -- - .: -. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 53p Yur Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timb.r Unimproved Improved Impro....m.nh B. of E. (Sulldlng,) VALUE b,.57 I :?/./p OP!!J I..;> 9. ()() ~~ 7.!'JAlA ~t)/(j;{}) j~ U:L, "V ~.., 3CJi/'n :& ~(~~c::l 9f.PtJ ~J> 3tJ 11 , J.-".s.l'S' -G-- I ,'" .:<. .' ;./: -- -2;; ~..,.. '1'(.", . 3t;r?3c 1)(/ 3//k e. ;:'.-" 30"'0 r .!)~5.76 / '9 .~?~~() ; . , : .-~75 [ ~... ~..-' ,I !5 I ,'I xl<~ I-/O,tm 112 '1(#17 </070-'; ..:J 1500 I~;:). ;).('JS - --- , , ., --