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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OlsmlCTS -,l.;L SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD 'PD - - 53 143994 Lee E. Dawson et ux 2 2 - ..L b FP j'dhv / ~ -- ~.,';f /7?-"G/f/' d'b-. ~ / ,L /1 .... ~j~:,C ~rf~)d .. 10 '2402-J..h / ~?" /fa ""-';>'/",97 ,,# C&",...-J :L JJ%... 3t/c''/-.1 I G \,~:, 0 -J1,uL tij I. I . ~ s .5/3'; ~~ <4- _3./1"("(' I- - - , KL 1-. /'i'ifn? l'I'.Anh ~!3~ if t i;.Jo'-l ( !L .L ~ U "/33 "/13"N'3 o/t,Vu ;./.~..dl): - - - - - l- t;) O. f--- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ....-- ~~~-~~~~------~----------~-~---~--~~--~-~~--~---~~~-=-~-~--~--=~-~_:_~~-~~~~,=~-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ?tf:.') Year Oytter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oytter Timber Unlmprov(ld Improved Improvlm(lnh B.ofE, (BuildIngs) VALUE .!,-Y 0 --5~ 0-e c.5C? ~ .?/7 /:;:'1 500 dO /tJ,t1 /3(') ~'i , ,9,/7 /. 8'3 ,'7 ,?ItJ 5/J /~o /...5cJ ,LL. . '!II .:t5" v. /3tJJ /'15 1H- Jo /SCJ; ~"'@ ~ ~. /PtJ .3tJCJ qo 7/..-- ..:J~e- 9/5 jI pi tJ 1!1 ~ !,--- 9/5' PifJ~ '-#S' - f ~ - ~~ I" 59//) R/9tJ 37rf[) 59/0 9' 9() 2/ , -9.17 I.R::? , j-"-:J ~') IE''?':' ) !:/?, ) /,:i-'; . Wi' 1:/..< /.)(;. I. O..l~;, .1./7 /.j'3 ." . () ~ /-Is.::- 11'7">t\ /_)"7-,(;1<> ~ :J.e -;>r' I~ 5()O 13 qOO .1c)'-IC'~ ,;.....,J , LOT BlK. ~.~ .<:;;Lir31YQC>~ SEC. TWN. AGE. "",' ~21 ~, E 165' of $WS -,.. .. - -- - -