HomeMy WebLinkAbout421144490040 veu-j File No -r---~'-"--- - I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 3..5/" SALE PRICE Rd. $ch.IP..,rt PUOlfPD !_J 1/78 139029 _Haldane-Patricia Johnson 2 04 1 9 L H --.--. )59076 'QL78 -- Shel ton Enter ri. es Inc on ~2700 ----- ~( ...L 1/(14 / 9 / II r7 ~!13 [;.{dlb-u-~r. , -=116~!:.-(~ ;(/(,(,o I 7U&uJ~ ~#~i;'f,.; 2 rEw~ " . ~~, ~o~,,\,,!,p P.R %~- T ~ - ~- "'".fIP~2 IY~/' JJj.3.6.~-:u 1/ /, "l J ~;9# ~ P/1~=L F III~c,...r- p 5'707c.. -"t5: ''''7'' SI:fE~ ciUT?Rf'RJSG:S ~ ~ "153,"01 H~R:r E. C-A!1.QL/ ETUX 1/ L/lJrHJ \ ] ~ 9-'('1 'if! '--"'D - -I;~ s,;y) ,00 I . I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Timber I UnImproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. - (BuildiM,1s) VALUE -;) ~ . , -' / - - ~, .,:"). ," . -):" . .- - . - /'1 ~~) 'j , - . I (' , .zl. - - , 15o.~ ) I ~ ~ - :? 'J. ',() IR- '2.t)O['";I, 2CJo(y -os S$, /, 1hS"' j, fo~. Ih S'96 & 59 i) - ---- - 1- - ---- - I- I LOT ILK. - - SEC. TWN. OGE. l!/d/l'11Yf?:QQyJ 14 , .,1 !. Trcct 4l'lof <;t ("'r'1 . . , ., . ..).:;..... ~ } ~ "0) ~: '-~ , )v 1 1 That por of the s.f f the SE~ l)f :3~c 14-21-4'J, \-.~.M. in H;Json Cr). 1:,1.. desc as follo\l:;: C,yuene 'lg at thE SE cor of sd See 14; th N 00011'06" E alg tile E line of sd See ~ (list of 61j5.21'; th ~ 3905R'26" ',.[ ISO,8fl' to the tnw pob, which pt lies the e/l of tIle existin:., nl; th ~ 13'22" \0, nlg sd e/l 3.91' to the be inning of a eur:ve to the ri having a radius of 120.00'; th 'N]y "I;:: 5d e/l 19 sd curve through", tral angle of 0;80 5!,' 19" an arc dist of 121.18' to a p of tangency; th ,008'01" Ii alg sd c/l 216.07' to the beginning of a curve to e right hay' a radius of 100.00'; th IHy alg sd c/l alg sd curve tl1routl: a entral Ie of 46"08' 52" an arc dist of 80.54' to a pt of t:mgency; th :f 55 3' "W alg sd c/l 108.40'; th leaving sd c/l ~ 4'i8. 'is' to intersect the e f the c:dstinr, rd at a pt on d curve from which the ceClter lies li' 210 01" 155.00' dist; th Ely alg sd c/l alg sd curve to the left throug'l ; central = Ie c..f l'iO[1 06'39" an arc dist of 40.88' to a pt of tangency' h S 820Q6'38" ulg sd e/l 273.50' to the beginning of a curve to the right aving a radius of 1 .00'; th SE1y alg sd c/l alg sd curve through a cent" nngle of 4'i003'26" = c dist of 141.55' to a pt of tangency; th S 370 '12" E alg sd c/l 70.71' to e heginning of u curve to the right havi a radius of 165.00'; th Sly ulg s c/l ~lg sd curve through a central e of 56016' 14" .in arc dist of lfi2. 06' 0 a [It of tQ."lgency; th <; 19013' '. iilg ~d c/l 8'i .15' to the true poh. . . ;::~. ~ U )? 7//~ ':;:'53.,) -2/,' " ' ') ,0 . 0/ <'I / I Tract 1 of S.P. # 499 That part of the S~ of the SEt of 14-21-4 W.W.M. des. as follows: BEGINNING at the SE corner of Sec 14; Th. N 0 11'06" E, along the Eline of Sec, 655.83'; Th. S 89 58'26" W, 150.89' to the TPOB; Th. S 19 13'22" W, 3.91' to the p.e. of a curve to the right having a red ius of 120.00'; Th. SWly along the arc of said curve, 123.38'; Th. N 11 51'59" W, 455.37'; Th. S 82 06'38" E, 26.19' to the p.e. of a curve to the right having a radius of 180.00'; Th. SEly along the arc of said curve, 141.55'; Th. S 37 03'12" E, 70.71; to the p.e. of a curve to the right having a radius of 165.00'; Th. Sly along the arc of said curve, 162.06'; Th. S 19 13122" W, 85.16' to the TPOB.