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--;::-r Rl, No. -r---- NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .!5 ..5lr SALE PRICE
Rd. 5c:h. 1 PQrt PUD I fPD_!_1
9/T 2_~2730 f-E. J. MeU 2 40' 1 9 I L H' #36926
__15- ~ill2- ClallS. Porest J.L ..L f/a" ( 1'1 IL H IF,l
0/7' 307282 Haldane J oOOso e1 md #45320
V76 'U2<;L6 - iMi 001 y Kallay 17<!./I#4 7lL 7
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hJ7R 1,,11 ,n7 Charles M. & B tt EI ain A ' horn so
1'9" 1.4. //" , ^ A . 1 Mr~ej1J_ . I- . --
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Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oystu Timber Unimproved Improved Impro".m,nft B. of E.
(SI,lilding$1 VALUE
..12. ~ 1<~~S'I 5.40 5.40 ;l../() ::1.1"
11> ~S~O ~~1-:l 0
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SEe. TWH. RSE. [!Pl' / !~l.f 1"f'IJ?12!J
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~t ptn o~ Govt Lt 8, l4-2l-4W.W.M., da~:
Beginning at & ~9int on the S line o~ ed Govt Lt 8, ~75' Wly ~rom the SE cor,aap
o~ ad Lt 8; th N 4b'~' 50" W 5~1.99'; th N 220 47' ~4" W 168.02' to the centerline
o~ an existing road; th S 51"-4.' 17" W 407.7~' a1g ad centerline to the beginning
o~ a curve to the le~t having a rad1-us- of, 1~0.00'; th Sly alg sd curve through a
central angle o~ 650 l~' 56" an arc dietanCl! ~_J,_48.0l'; th S l~o 29' ~9" E alg
sd centerline 305' + - to ad S line o~ Govt Lt 8; th--~alg ad S line ~98' + -
to PCB.. --.
~~CEPT Tr 3 of Govt Lt 8
NEW DESCRIPTION: (Tract 2 of Short Plat #242)
AI I that ptn of Govt Lt 8 14-21-4W.W.M., daf:
Beginning at a point on the S I ine of that tr conveyed to Mihaiy Kal lay by deed
recorded 4-7-76 under AF# 3/2546, records of sd county, sd point bears S 890 22'
05" E 92.76' from the SW I Y corner of sd county, sd po i nt bears S 890 22' 05" E
alg sd S line 101.67'; th N 40 03' 50" W 573.41' to the cll of an existing road,
th S 51 0 44' 17" W a I g sd c/l /22.5 I '; th S 40 03' 50" E 496.23' to POB;
EXCEPTING therefrom road rights of way.