HomeMy WebLinkAbout421144190010 , -;:;- File No. -r-.--- NAME of OWNER 9/73 ~~_2730 E. J. Mell ..1?_c--29_4155 S!us. Porest 10/7 307282 t!6 "112<;47 - L-2 ~z')~"7 ,\___... !PiL~~~1;;'-7~' a.~' 1../7 3/78 341305 Ve[Q9n D. & Virainia R. 1j1~ at/so:;.!.. I . NUMBER OF ACRES Yurl Oyder Unimproved Improved Timber . FOREST 75 ...1\C'" ...~~ 5.50 I~ /0 n. tu. . 2:L 51- 1', 1,2-d ./~ f/ I 91;' /.;;/ ..;- --- 1-- lOT ILK. SEC. TWN. OGE. CONTRACT TO Rd. 5ch. I PQrt DISTRICTS PUD I fPD I I 1 9 I '1 2 40. ....fl. I ~ Haldane Johnso e1 w Tim A. Rishel ..........'1 Howe pI? (W.. L (jj,,)L TOTAL Oyster 5.50 I, :z t.) /..;< <I t I. ''):!I ufU VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved ~_ _ 21 4._ T!.f~t 1 of G~yt Lot 8 2/0 ~ :1~-o ///.' ] ~v... /3oot /'I~t)d i '#.~illl"11.IJ() i~ , ,3 .5 t. I L H LiLa Impro....m.nt. (Buildings) - .. -_. .. ~.--~ SALE PRICE #36926 #45320 <;> ",;17146 lI':Jb':JI':J $7000 "'- -'> '8'(,60, S /.:? :,'to . B. of E. VALUE 2/) ~b . 7.5f-} '/~- .' 13<>,_,- /'>""',.,0 /11- / ~._"A._ . · All 'that portioR 6:r GOTt Lt l'l, l--;::21-.fIf." .K., daft 1l.gillJl:lng at tile SE corner of ad Lt 8; th II 0.11' 06" B alg the E liRe of ed Lt 8 a lttlrtance of 680.00'; 1;h S 70. ~3' 51" w ~~O.OO'; th S-~ 03'-50" E532' + --to the S line of ad Lt 8, th Ely alg ed S line 375' + - 1;0 POB. NEW DESCRIPTION AF#341305, (now Tr. I of Short Plat #229) ........... The W 105' of even width as measured alg the Nly I ine of the fol lowing described property: All that ptn of Govt Lt 8, 14-21-4W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the SE corner of sd Lt 8; th N 00 I I' 06" E alg the Eline of sd Lt 8 a distance of 680'; th S 700 43' 51" W 440'; th S 40 03' 50" E 532; + - to the S I ine of sd Lt 8; th Ely alg sd S line 375' + - to POB; EXCEPT Publ ic roads, if any. .~._- . .....,~. - - .