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Y.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .3"7 SALE PRICEl Rd. .... Port PUDIFPO - - - - SfF -2l Paul W. Hunter et ux et 1 2 2 1 1:.. + -- ""'- 6s" :7" ~- ,q,. L -h)""" 0 ;TY, 71--- .2... /'/'/4 L ~ ~ 1/ ..:<8'..5- n1 c..F. v /. ..,~ ~~..., Iff-a-o n / HIIJ.I / I. 1L Ir.z / /.,.~l. 1.1 )""" () 'J:I ~i_ln .L - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -I -~--.---'~;'--_':'_-~--- - -- -=' , =--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS /.. '/7' Year Oy.t.r Tlmb.r u;;ro;~~ Impro...ed TOTAL Oyat.r Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d Impro....d I Improvement. B. of E. (Building.) VALUE 1i --'17. 'Z' 7fo 7YeJ .s::; _-; /j;?,t):/ f:?~.5 .?t? -2/cJ/) ,~/.Y'O (P2:... . 17. t) 0 3~. toG 103" 5 7 1/" /17 lj t:J 5" 5'"95' 3/S-0 '/,;;,/0 M GOt) .59S .3152:> (.j.;l~- "- ~.t.tZ ~~ 7fo - , s..e /~ .:5"7'''-'' .Jil ~,S2) /#.6 3fy.s Si'rfJO 2tt ~:t 1'~o ~970 ?~'lo //.760 2L 47. /,() t1.331 jl.;1..~J -- - '..",,/ ,/~ ~/() '71 L'I. ~ /~RSt dBi;. l2. 1/tL. 95 ~.37 1~.a3,j f ,V /9f5 ~'7t" 6bO . ~ - /.;:1676 /e~ 40tJ ~ , f ~ - .."',... A . VItt!O g6.'R~ ~ 11'0 g; 3t.9.s- t.':?37 Jilt) ,.f.2. /,;z/ fJ.:..- /,2,.... _ "0'" J 7:1of"n , /30,>":) I ' ~ , LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. 1P2i.!t:WLQQQ~a . , ,-1.2 Govt'Lot 9 ,1Lot 10 f/. Lot ll##fR/W , ~ 21 it - - --- -". - .I~_---_.- ., __ - _.._ - .:"___.>-.. - __ "_