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,.. Vear FiI. No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,~I.:z. I SALE PRICE Rd, 5ch.' Port PUD 1--f!B- I -- ;lF211jb 10 249391 Blucher G. Greenwald et ux H. Lovgren 2 ~04 1 9 L H $5000 ,-- 11 ~i:':i(, C, I~ ~ No (J J, '../ ~'" '" .3(,~R f-n'ffJ .;J' 7Ji.b' :/.3 lsts(, ~ d '//93 3:i5 't)L1~ii~.;f~-,)A , :A'-I"/O S 't l; Vr AJ~ lIh : II Lf 7 ~'/,..,( IX< ' a 'a... a-.l l/rq ,3'17(11-/1 1/ 1/ -t ,I ,- d ' J,,' 3m 'tl'Z4/,./I'" .(,/fr1.btt~ J/--U~ ~ ...... 1;,,- 'I'I57'1::J 7?/,L I, ,11~ 4->'7 ~~ if I i(~;./ / 9 L If IFZ 'F9.;, 77'/ .7/" co!.> wo f I .-~- . -_.'.'. . ' .. , "'::~ -~~'-'---"- . \ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS tl. "'c '($ Year Oyder I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster limber Unimprond Improved Ilmp"ovemenh I B. of E. (Buildin9s) VALUE ,~ ?'''lP ~, I1tJ '70 ?(/) ~t:: M~ /40 /f'tJ .1J/ a.. ,,~ ,5P ?Jf)t:J ~j "" ..::; ~ /!) h~o 11 J~ .7J_ - JJA.." ""'"/.-'0 "JoL . 1.;-. 4' ~ J.SP '7. ~m Pra; J'~-0 6' -S'1:2 I $8 7. tJo I tf.;l. 10 I (J .;;. ( () f::f ...--/ I Ie; R<I() /9.1"10 , , / / , LOT BLK. -..--.-,-..--- SEC. TWN. RGE- l ~ I !D:~: 3. -'I~:D :()t.<iF6j -, .. _15 of, ,--'-':"~ ,,', " , " _"l, ~' " ,--'.-. , , . . - - - - _', ,<.., _....' -:-.'-~'_ ',~_ _"'~:":<"',':'. '~.' '-'.>. _U..'"jy - .-.,. '.~ ~., j -..' ,'. " . '-'-J. .;.:~~.. , .' That part at the BE SW which lies 1f o~ the i' 200' thereo~; BtCEPTIJIG therefrom tb"/ 5 100' of W 100' of E 300' of SE SW lying lny of county road known as 5kOkOmiB~lley Road; also excepting therefrom the W 890' of 5E 5W lying Nly of county road. ," , 'JI ~~_~..-..!W~ _.---..a-:'-~-<:!'.~-?:- '" >II.., .~_>.......... .......... "'_"~ .' ,---'::::-c..~~..;:- ~~"... d-....e ~ ~e...... L.v-tZt'-~ ;:I.~w~ -tJ.,1 4tJjgiJ 1/1 :1/' Jli/) "'1 J)t-/~~ fI<- 1/r.- )' of. ( , ,;I,':/j,0.n'~1< v ~ .'_ 7_ Jj "- Sh.;t-l{ '( ZL ,~a_ ( .