HomeMy WebLinkAbout419041200030 Yur File HI). NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS /L.Lj Rd, ~h. 1'0" PUD I fPD I 3 30' 3 13 L H g { / 1'0' 3Lu L 1-1 CONTRACT TO 7/73 ;>:H6lC Rex B. Valentine et 1'" 7/73 2S1(i11 Joe C. TO'msend "t 11:< --'11j'lffJ4jllP~ .& '7LIl' ~. ,~--IN,I I%!; 3cm'r/8Ir"",'"il jJ J L .Pf//d I.f;g 5.:;:".;, ~1 U,jl. IkJt4<_ ~fLu (1:~.,. ) d I-~:'c'~ 1// ~ 'YS71'f1e.1C;!? 7. I ",_,-'::Iv/.-< d/.M^ .bl/r;<{ '!::Il{.SCq -tf, oj ~,::i,_,.h ,plc"A) C'\c"rn 7'Nbks/S3J (\ d..E.tkJ:.~, ~(~ .:'1 U ./ SALE PRICE {l361.32 ,;Jb4JJ " , #1'37':'-'" f ;t/'1s.:,- _ 7b ,-", ,'" .1/)'}3 o-,.,-tJc 1'Z;1-~;- /..-/), , #;?(PS'7iP",... I .L S-o ";'T I #, YY~7?->",,, I 4/:J_5?J^ ...J . - . ~. - -. ---------- '--'. ----- ---- r.., I 0,.." NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS TImber Unimprov.d Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimprovecl Improved Improvem.nh B. of Eo 18uildlno;Js} VALUE I~ -~ ~ J::.e...l~ //1." J/d- 1'1~ 'A&% ~ ..:J I'J 0 ~ ?J (0 .k S'? St:JC) (,(1 ( !:() , S-O / CiO 0 /~CJ 0 tt; 5-- c. () /000 lev'::) LOT SEC. \ ILK. TWN. OSE. l:".1'f1 '9 {)'4T;Li):d~ r~t_~ o{ ~. L... ........;...... '... _.~ . j ,J.. .._ All that portion of the swi wi of NE'} of Sec. 4, T",p. 19 North, R,".nge 4 IJ.?st, W.M. in Hason County, Washington, dese. as fo11011s: Beginning at the Soutm,est corner of said quarter of ~larter of quarter section; thence T<:ast a1on" tho> South lina thereof, 251.30 feet to the true point of be!:inning; thenc~ North 010~2' Zast 281.90 feet; thence South n3041' ~~qst 37.00 feet: thence South 180/>5" "e.st 100.34 feet to the South line of said qu:rrter of quarter of quarter section; t1,ance North '18041' IJI'st along sairl South line, 299.80 feet to the true point of beeinnine_ ,'" ~.~ , . c....,.. ~"- -__ .s . / "t',