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V.., FiI. No. ( !.I?J&" 1 L' ......E o' OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.../.3 I SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. I Pori PUD Lff.QJ I -- Ij:J $21505 4/7C 2500g8 Thomas P. Matve et ux 3 og s 3 L H $4000 !!b. ;). 7'I/f1.!< /J/A-nlI1I. m,. bJ u :;- 417",3,sS/5 - - '%-t i)S'Jl(,,1 '&/-;.1. :t/.li/ ~ .fPo ".6"''''0 ""s.6?7'; rola. 11 R31$5 t(/ vJ 't(/ //;..-" L I .pI -M-- ; " f, 6/1,) qqjJ1 (Iy.!;' 71, ~ I ,{/, ff ..;f a.'. 'J 01 ; ,1 VA , , ~-'/~d".397.or J.j,/I. . {/,':J~'!J I '("'AU' yJ/Ld .$ (, lee:: ~ 77<0 q//}'! ,3>/.70.3 IWu/Y' ') 'd_il I'H,{J It;; , /,:1J ""';1'3/", f'.-<~ rOj;') ~"'//oJ;L JO ' ./l _ 0" fTf' O:tb. /, ~v X'/ / :;'/J~ S :? t? 1- 1-1 v . - - - -.. ~ . ... '''' ,. .--------:-. -LI NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yur Oyder Timber Unlmpro....d Impro...ed TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimpro...ed Improved IlmP'"ovemenh I B. of E. (Buildin9$) VALUE 117 - <::E'CIok, 3:9/Y ,,~ 1?A1 'A ~)l, / R,?/.) J 27/'J 1111 (Ie Z' ~_J ,37~ ~/" S Jj c/o' 7~9/) 8 t),fCJ '~b b'i'1o ~ b?tJo '33 770 ~/ .<: 'Iv 3.90 /3:<5tJ :< 7 700 'ItJ'1St) 'N ,3,90 ..;?,'9" 13~50 .;i, 7700 +"095'0 . .. .-.,.-'- _d - '.' ,-~ .---.... LOT BLK. ~1h7t. ~tyA.I__,!-,~ . sec. TWN_ RGE. ~" ~;:...... . - ...''" i. .... - "-." '".- -- -. -r ..-."",",'. . T,~ T .",. _">__~,,~,;:,"__'.,,..."~' "T'"" ,e W 200' of that part of NW SW lying Sly of centerline of Gosnell Creek and Nly of ~he existing road running Ely & Wly throught NW SVI. . -_e_.. ~___ . . ---.. . ',- ------- -', , ~ ---',. .