HomeMy WebLinkAbout419023100000 V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /33 SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port PUO ,PO - - - - - - --2l. n6711: Loertscher, Hartley A. e ux 3 309 ~ l &. L ~p 8f47f! ~B!7.? ,'1"'''c..< 4: ~f ))) %( I =?o"f c; L Ji:. 2L g' . €n ..L 3 J.i , v - - - - - - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - - - -- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _""'...__.~_ 't..::.. . ., . :.-.. .- .. .. ,-"",, ~'...--...-------~~~----~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . I U"m....". - V.ar Oyswr Timber Unlmprov.d Improved TOTAL Oy.t.r Tlmbar Improved Impro....menh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5L/- /t:, -{'! LJ-o 4i-~ 0 .2 Sf' 910 80 5'- to dPO /;,f'o I;}, ~O c5"L 2:2 7"i /"/:7,,, .tj Oto ., //5 5/,1 ,0 go J:? {} .~ fl. 2:7 '7/1 F7 .:J _ ,,- .J//J tJ/) /70 6/0 foflo /300 ..il ;;l.;;l.,'7~ 17. ;;l. 5' </-0.&-0 .;2.~z;' S-/O / /9b /9.30 ~ ~ :'Y dli? tl) t.JIo ._- ~,/ /^ ~ ..... j~~~p,)) /$~O J.!:tll-/A - 2L 0"; En, S""-" E- - 3~,,~ Mfa .5'7~ , , 7S .,;),,J,7S 1 7,d.2 L/(~ ./)tJ 3 do cO ./l/CJ;:J Sf-, q t') 12- ~2!: /.6- 1?17 ~ /J.'M h -- ..:J'I756' L,!'j J> C! 0< 773:r "'41 ~, "",< T 77 d;, 7'~ /7 :(:;,~ 7'o,L'u ~ 11. 'J1oS- </7.?tJ /"I'i>R.::..- . 9' . , / I gg ':-61', }'l tl,~ .'( { " ':--PtJ(J(J 30<:'00 91 1~.D5' -27,9::,- /.<-;"1 0 (',; /' ;;1 . 1<1'1</0 965'CtQ '-I'I1'1() '-' g~ VBB 18.4-8 ~ 4-2.1/5 ~/Vc./.r-r- /5,;" 'Jor _1';'(,00 !?tJ 500 'l/~tJO ;>, g~ Q,t./, 65'S'S- . f? tJoCJ 3oSc;0 ~SJs5" LOT BlK. , , I~ 1lEG. TWN. RGE. ;;q:tJ. 2. (/d()t)t"\.~ Cl'?R"NTUSE .. -~,,:... . - . ~, '. f _ , :.4~OPEN sp;.ce . ',"" '_C, - . . . ~~'I"-''''''- ,,,,,,:,.~~,..,,"~---,~. \ .-, _T,"'- #387973: That ptn of the SE NW 2-19-4W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the SW corner of sd SE NW; th N 20 45' 53" E alg its W line 99.33'; th S 860 59' 22" E 30' to the SW corn.er of Homestea'd Acres Div. #1 as recorded in Vol. 10 of Plats, pgs 13 & 14,' records of Mason County, Washington; th S 860 59' 22" E alg the S I ine of sd plat 96.49'; th S 00 02' II" E 36.55'; th S 87" 39' 24" E 744.50' to the SE corner of sd plat; th continuing S 870 39' 24" E 458.72' to the Eline of sd SE NW; th S 20 46' 53" W alg sd Eline 76.84' to its SE corner; th N 860 59' 22" W 1331.45' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom the W 30' for Co. Rd known as Loertscher Rd. #355494: The S 40' of the W 105' of the SE NW 2-19-4W.W.M. ~"'--'- :~~-~-- "~~f.IIi .... "., .." -', f/tJ ,1<1 /l(! QC.fl 3~~tl9(/ I I T I I I T T I I I . . - (p,go NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved Impn:1v'ements B. of E_ (Buildings) VALUE 1-1 /3,<lt ;J.~ <lz,</.3 <--A._A-'< L, r ~ 75"& 3;:1,00 30500 'iI~ <IS"o 8iI . v= a,a, 57/~ ;?o'e>o 30!>oo 7''1.</:;- -. -.f/ , -,