HomeMy WebLinkAbout419017600040 I I _d' ._n_ . -- VALUATIONS .: I<CJ Timb.r Unimproved I Impr::.ved Impro".men" B. of E. (8uildin9i) VALUE .z $e:>e:> 25e:>o ,1-0-), ) "iiJ()() /5600 t IS: 000 /5'000 /5000 I . d~- ---- f ~--- I I,j! ~ y.~-r-Fi1. No .- r--~-~"--'------- N~~ O~;;;-----I'-' CONTRACT TO "ii"d."t5cll. :!')rt;U~~~~~~S! / { ~ I - I" , ' , et IJX (Mll.r:lsl.ll_ 3 091 c: 3 : I 3 i L i H i . __Ba;netiLIurll! ..l..o"'-'-I-_c--J- FT I' I ' .__~__1aJ_I!I9~~ L,' i.'-d:-L')~ ! Richard E. Bu ns t x m ~ ll..arni'lr<1 ~ n ",Jr I aL>.-_____ '50l7D _JLJ '01 5 31/.1 L I II 17177 33:2.lJlLWoon..E....Jiii'ltrak 7flL~21_8LI- BLTI- ~11~~s5------ -- 8/79___ 3672.1'1.. ______ J9L8 z?~~-lr------ :!81 ~fq_~L,-?J_~~a~ aA, (9,.,.) !- 1- ~;~, . NUMBER OF ACRES H 0,..., Timber I Unimproved I Improved TOTAl. J:LI-- 1'.rl1--- 161 [i.1 5. 00 5: e:>o ~C6 :S'JJ{) !;,()c) -;,0 () 1---- ----- ---- 1----- -I--. -~----------~------------- -- - -1-- ------~--I------- -- LOT BlK. SEC. TWN_ RGo. d. .19 4 ~~.' n_ , ! .,~ "'. ~ - " ~/;A~I)(~ 4 of -~\lfY~~4 I WL _ .". . _- Tr<!ct SALE PRICE #53483 #53484 #53745 #65144 f-f~ #7lJOllu I., A 'inn rn~ .;J 73f% --,-; "- 73r3f-3J' W" c., ll'lfo ",,z, - ",,- AI I that ptn of the NW SE, 1-19-4 W,W,M. daf: COMMENCING at the NW corner of sd NW SE; th N 89047'44" E 416.43' to the POB of the tr of land hereby descr; th continue N 89027'44" E 875,86' to the NE corner of sd NW SE; th S 00025'58" E, along the Eline of sd s/d 269.21 '; th S 88019'45" W 282,02'; th S 70015'17" W 292.10'; th S 49047'49" W 40.00' to a pnt which is SEly of the pnt of beginning; th NWly to the POB, excepting therefrom rd rights-of-way; sd land being also known & desc as Tr 4 & a ptn of Tr 5 A,F.#355894. Survey 4/128. ~.~ .c-:- A