HomeMy WebLinkAbout420134004000 .. W lD 13_4004-000 '* ACREAGE W 1/2 SE 1/4 Except other tracts ~..~Cl'/.5. ~ o. Q,j / P9. 9 I OESCRIPTION: PLAT VEAR AUD, TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: -~-16~B~~-u.SM-l-'ton Ceroo-t@l'-y-Dl -+ i-c:I: 109367 , '-'--''4'9296--'+-- __..;.L24217 I 176289 , 1'2"176- ,-"-- ".- _ i 26.1484....._1 , 260919 (silate hi way r/w) lJJ')() +___ __----l. : I- i ACREAGE YEAR IMPROVED TOTAL nDELAND UNIMPROVED BUilDING TIDELAND UNIMPROVED ~cQ. Y'1 .;3.2..1'.5 ---+, I ---i-- -- --f----- I I I --r-- '------t "+---- =l==i---- .~7 lOT BlK ...., SEC 13 TWP 20 RGE 4 , DISTRICTS . AFFIDAVIT RD' SC IPT UD fD HD CD SALES $ 1ALUATlON IMPROVED B OF E TOTAL EXEMPT EXEMPT SEE + .'--'._~ _.'.-'- .:-.-/~"",' .-- Tract 9 SW SE;bgn at the ne corner of Cathol ic Cern which is the center of section 13; thn s along the wend of the Cathol ic Cern to IOOF,233'; thn w 272 to the ne corner of 1st add to 100F; thn n about 233' to the line between nw se and sw ne; thn e 272' to ip. ~ Tract 8 SW SE; bgn at the se corner of lot 2 blk 30 masonic cern; thn w 6' and e to ip; thn n along w I ine of present Masonic Cern to corner of 100F Cern about 110'; thn w along s I ine of 1st add to 100F Cern, a dist. of 86'; thn silO'; thn e 86' to ip. / Tract 5 SW SE; bgn at the intersection of I ine between sections 13 & 24 with the w I ine of OLC #37; thn n along the w I ine of OLC, 1102.35' to the nw corner of the IOOF Cern; thn w 592.73'; thn s IIOs.35' to section line; thn e on the section line 592,73 to ip. ..-- Tract 12(Mason co service mens memorial park assn); bgn at the intersect of the i ine between sections 13 & 24 with the w I ine of OLC #37; thn n along said w I ine of OLC 1102.35' to the nw corner of the original IOOF Cern; thn w 592.73' along n I ine of 100F Cern; thn n 18' to ip; thn run n 108'; tjn w 36'; thn s 108'; thn e 36' to ip. Tract 6 SW SE (Mt Moriah Cern); bgn at the intersection of the I ine between v sections 13 & 24 with the w I ine of OLC #37; thn n along said w line 626' or to the sw corner of the Masonic Cern as now laid out; from said point run n along w I ine said cemty 233.35' to the nw corner of said cemty; thn w 562.73'; thn s 233.35'; thn e 562.73' to ip except Tract 8. / ~ SW SW SE, EI/2 $1/2 WI/2 NW SW SE(2.6), NW SW SE ex 2.6 & 4.6, W 67' EI/2 SW SE ex N 233', EI/2 SE SE ex Tracts. V' _. '~'~