HomeMy WebLinkAbout420134500250 ... TRACT 25 OF DAVID SHELTO "'S D.L.C.#37 lOT BlK DESCRIPTION: PLAT #= ACREAGE rLr1 /I /. 7. /.I., 5'i~ Zi''-.oe .1"\ I SEC TWP RGE , , .. F1DA-'Ti# 1i DISTRICTS 1.3 A YEAR AUD. # TITlE HOLDER CO~Til<'CT 0: RD SC PT UD FD HD' CD S LtS $ , 67 IG.P.4lUl /'l LJ. 4,1114550 Vincent J. Adair Iflnr'} 1 30 ,S 3 1 H L , , --- ---- 1 , , , I I ACREAGE , VALUATION 8 OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 71 .42 .4:2 , 3150 3980 7130 '1t! , il!'1 /4,Z 6 0 ,.,--~ ..k340 1-2?b 0 7r.. 1 -' /'0"" "12~ 0 I,,:;'? ~O ~f 1\% ,;l.;J ~()c) I ~:\ '1-.00 g4 .'-I~ . if) /0 ~,I\ :/.:2. ::1AA .::?~ S"< /l / 1 , i I , , I i ~j - (~.. ,-,," "-"..,",.., ",."~,,-,,,,,,-, 1;, ' I . ,.: - , - ,- ~.,.,.-.'.. : L. , -- ~.' ~ '.." "~ "-- . ,-," - '~-if;~ ~ Page 3 in Plat Book Formerly known as Tract 10B-l of NE SE except 10B-I-A & 10B-I-B, 13-20-4 o Beginning at the NWly corner of Lot 10, Block 16, Mt. View Add; thence S 61 31' W along ~y line of H Street extended SWly to a point which is N 61031' E 132.39' from the W line of David Shelton's D.L.C.#37; thence S 61031' W 132.39' to said W line of D.L.C:; thence S along said W line of D.L.C. a distance of 170' to I.P.; thence S along W line of D.L.C.a dist~nce of 170' to a point thereon where the N line of G street extended intersects the~ line of D.L.C.; thence in a NEly direction, being N 61031' E along Nly line of said G Street extended, a distance of 290'; thence N 28029' W parallel with Wly line of Adams Street, 150'; thence in a SWly direction on line parallel with S line of H street a distance of 210', more or less, to W line of D.L.C. and I.P. EXCEPT those portions as described in Deeds #221377 and #195989. II