HomeMy WebLinkAbout422265000905 I DISTRICTS '.' , ~ ~G-~ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - SALE PRICE Rd. Bo.. Port PUD ,PO #21J5J - - - - - - Robert c. Harvey et ux J.T.Hayes 2 ~ 1 1 L $5800 ~ /~?s- h_ IT flt> -,.. J ~ ~~~ ?/ I M .L L J= H IV ,{/' / I-- I-- - - - - - - I-- - ~ I-- - -- I-- - - - - - - -- . - - - I-- - - - - - . '. NUMBER OF ACRES [ VALUATIONS Ye.r Oy.l8r Tlmb.r Unimproved Impro.,~ TOTAL ()y.... Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvem.nb B. of E. (BuIlding.) VALUE ~ ~O /<;/0 ~- - .kk --- LItH> '/7~ .07< Jk I~ 1cV7, .?tJt? ~;;(tJ 7::l t> it 77:5 ,2-2(1 ,,~ "" 7'7,"> l-.e J,. ~4'.9tl! <;'f/c1 B9'd ~~O - a~ 6~;t) ""~ 'TIA :Jt I~% I ~&i- ,(J1f) ~g() &!/,F() :Jh. ~j)iJi) o-I9tJ 1//Y'tJ . :Kl /./ 1 '(,) ';(7(;;0 ;,2,3540 I <};",- ::<3 7W~~ '/,. '7) l-i33h5" (::)j ~ - I- RBE. lflf..21,2!..2!~:O I()!gl" 1..;1 LOT BLK. arc. TWH. <'> ^ J:nt"in Lot. 6 T I:L:LlCQf,t BEAC~ - _n ____"""'__-.-~~~__ _" - That part of Lot 8 lying W of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on N line of Lot 8 a distance of 22.70' S 84012'00" E of NW corner thereof, thence S 1029'00" W to S line of Lot 8. Also that part of Lot 9 as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 9 thence N 2044'25" E 7.74', tbence N 88031'00" W 3.50', thence 610 29'00" W to S line of said Lot 9, thence S 87031'12" E to I.P. '"--. - - L:~