HomeMy WebLinkAbout422265000006 \ \ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ....-1'!:;- \ Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - ------ -.2l Robert C. Harvev 2 .!&I~lJ-_-1----#2'J:4-e) 6/." 208851 It It D. E. Dani:{ I Lfo~ I I L H ~5000. L. ~ 11/RA'6;t ;;9 @lo. ~,"'- d .J _~~~~ '''':7 ,,,.:"3y...Y<; IlL ::1/f'lfJ'f In , (). ~ A' _ . 11, J j /' ;;., '1j>f'~:!... C. /1), '-;';;'-: ~";;;'/f . ././ 1_ u " - _,=== !,::; /J./PJ</J- J6 ~ /J~,./ ./ LJ,~,/ '~4J45t,31 '~7 T If:,. A/, /, ~J ",. , / 1 '-'~, I,.. .. -7'/'J _1)[-/"-::/-;/ I<-(--!:',:: ,- (r: /~ '<C. ;".1__,. ,~- -tf1)1.? __~_ 0f(355:JCf5 ~4,jC.1Y.~l'JI<f/1jf'u) " , -~f---- 1~!!1D 31t>5a/ I ?l/!J1) Y1~y!'7!#~ -;''''4 ) ___ 8k66;:G 9~_ Year FlIe No. SALE PRICE ----- f." ~ ~ ':3ijo ~,,{6f?;V ~7"',c ,,'''1-< 087 I. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ..... Oyster nmber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE 1(~.3 It.~ III la 1'~1 1"7.// ii I-uJ I1iJ 11, <6/ Iqr; 4'tlc'>''' /(J 00 ;:>, 7&; ~5.. 500 /3S' 0 3_~ 5'00 .:2..10 '714_ 1i..3.s:' .,1~b F,'ItJ ,_ /!,;9LJ ~L~ J.,i'.s-5_ ~,' /6 nli.~~:Y.ff_ ~~O ~J:L ~~~o_ ?-;iI.:/A 9'~~tfL ~'I~6' 17LJS-~L W1519oZ~ 13;2;'9/). 'i'O f"/ShD_ ,q( /$ ,Sva> .139'5.;2.5" ~-= I~~ ~ !!)!'Ji) LOT SEC. lue. TWH. OSE. :i.lT.a9'i l~olc:>Lt~ ~ ~I ~~ T, < !II , ??. I {;' T;LLLIGUM. BE;ACil."a..;...,l h-9" '" --",._."-~ -~- .....;.-. , ",-.,. ".- :.,....". -"--~':"'~":.~~- Tract, A of Community Recreation Area Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 7 of the Plat; rurming thence N. 80~ 59' 04" E. 19.4'; thence N 30'07'58" W. 6'; thence N'Nly to a point on the Sast line of said Lot 7, N 5D 58' 40" E. 31.78' of the point of beginning of this description; thence S 5'58' 40" 'il along said E line of Lot 7, 31.78' to said point of beg~nning ... ' .....~.-:::-- . .