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~/IJlsrd.blo MILLO TRACTS .
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<)2 H. I. Millo 2 ~ F. 1 1 L
55 15'7022 Floyd W. Gibson et ux g, ...L <+04 1-\ -L ~ L t-\ ~H1f2
62 " " R.G.Doug1as #19220
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- W 75" Tr. 12, Tr. 13 I MILLO .TRACTS ...iI
Commencing at 1/16th corner on line between sees 11 & 12, 22-4 (said
1/16th corner being the NE corner of SE SE of sec. 11); th S 89015' W,
along E & W center line of set of section 11, 2325' to I.P.; th S to
Sly line of a tract of land conveyed to Harold I. Millo; th N 72051' W, ~
along said Sly line, to a point which is S 89015' W 2500' and S 44.75' from
said 1/16th corner on line between sections 11 & 12; th N 372.09', more
or less, to N line of said Millo Tract; th S 72051' E, along N line of
said Millo Tract, 183.13', more or less, to a point N of I.P.; th S to
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