HomeMy WebLinkAbout422115000002 DESCRIPTION: '* YEAR AUD, PLAT ;IIL~1.1'.CT3 ACREAGE /1 , ?-: ~/ ./ TITLE HOLDER 52 - - --------- - - ---- -- ~~._- H. I. "illo 54 62 _~ 152ilO.9__l.E&..ard 19632/, I A. lladtke, et ux 55 ! --'~lOTTr. 2 ./ .510iOIO~ CONTRACT TO: E. "hillips 65 . ~ 2~~f69 IZrnest "hfllips, et x 224563 I :;(..:;,-...-1'\ 2l4AZfL.ITTnp,.TT'~ T :':vans t w: ._)-/~L/ i , --t------ I ~- ----t- I , j . IMPROVED 1. DC /. ~ . TOTAL 1. 1.00 / '" ci SEC TWP Tr. ~- , ". ..~ BlK RGE 'RD- DISTRICTS <2 c:- ! AFFIDAVIT SC jPT UD FD HD CD; SALES $ 7 312 H 1 1 L 2 ~Ol H 1 1 . ~ .fIll '-/04 I... , . t- H 119853 - :t:;Hl "'..~ '~~SOO. 00 'IALUATlON TIDELAND UNIMPROVED 100 IMPROVED ACREAGE -YEAR L~DELAND+i UNIMPROVED .~ __ 1.__ _ 61 -~ f- - JLl- - ---- ~: -/ ((<:' J5 25% 200 250 500 1750 3500 4001) ? (J/') () 50';". IOcr,:. -"1.11.1> i'" /5 ~-C"oo 15.r-"". B OF E TOTAl , 100 . 200 250 500 235 193'; 470 3970 3100 7100 57'{)~ /,3YrJ,';J d,<~o 0 BUILDING "'4- /c$"O/\ TR. 2 A tract of land in the Southeast ~larter (SE~) of Section 11, TO\nlship 22 North, Range 4 ,':est, '-1.1., particularly d"scri;Jcd as ~ollo"s: Fro~ the one-sixtpenth (1/16 corner of the line between Sections 11 and 12, To\vnship 22 North, Range 4 I{est, 1-1.'1. (this 1/16 comer is Jar'ced by a TD'.vnship 22 North, Rang" 4 '{cst, ~l. -1. (this 1/16 comer is ,arked by a boiler flue driven flush and has heen established for ,ore than forty (~O) Y2ars, is in th~ Southwest comer of cross streets now in use and a ~.U.D. lieht pole stands to South"cst about 10 feet away); run thence South 890 15' '{est along '{ost-East center line of the Southeast quarter (SE;}) Section 11, above Tm,~ship and Ranee, 1420 feet to th" point of beginnin3; run thence North 25 feet, ',ore or less, to the Southerly line of a :Jrivate roamlaY .',.0 feet in width; thence South 700 ~ast along said South line to a turn in the road, ~akine due East 80 feet; thence South alone th0 ',"st line of said road, "1a\<ing due East 80 feet; thence South along the West line of said roadway and the East line of the tract herein describ cd -'>65 f"ect, '1ore or less, to th., North.;esterly 'argin o~ the Lal:e Cush 1an Road be Lng the Southerly line of a tract of land conveyed to Harold 1. 'Iillo and Rose L. 'lillo, husband and ~~fe by deed dated April 12, 1949, and recorded in Val. 12' of Deeds, p. 364. Thence Southwesterly along said road "argin and Southerly lin" of said :lillo tract "_aking due to ~~est RQ feet to a ~Qint 'i/hi.ch is SQuth 525.70 :ept fr0'1 th" ,nint of '1c~innin.:3"; thenct~ ~lorth 1'?5. 70 f~ct to th' ?nint of h~ginnil1g.