HomeMy WebLinkAbout423335103006 ... DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN EASTSIDE #1 # ACREAGE lOT 6 SEC TWP BlK ..... 3 RGE AFFI DAVIT SALES $ : 'il39W~ ~I....ul~~ " ,,' DISTRICTS..3G.'I' YEAR AUD. TITLEHOLDER .1.. CONTRACT TO:_=rRD~-- ~C. ~~ifij'TFoi HD ' CD ' ;,14 .c:Ill-m:--uC~j}, (i ___---:- _ ~?' .lOA H ' ':\ ~ H T, /7'1 3157-~j 'L'----_'-__..L,( c._~JM,l</i.---,f.1JoJ-tJ"""-"-~1.. "'--" ?/ ,:<;05"'(,,7'" 0'. Nt I . - . " 8i I __ j:ttILLIC;cS' J7C;,3'?'l.'l'l9",T<llQj'_<L_.\!.lri.~1. 17J,fJ'I.I'./?,4U1.L.4 :.. L1o..=Lll~ 3 If< l+ 1-....>-',.,. , , . _ ~ u__... ___--: -D -..Jm I -- ---+- I -- --- 'I =-~ ~ - ---+- ACREAGE . ~~NIM~RDVED __~~IMPRDVE.o---+TOTAl :=_n .~. ~ 1.- 1---- in -- r --- -- ~I ------ , YEAR 1.T1 DELANIl ----,- 1 . , f - j- , ,-- -1-------- --- -- --+--- ~--t t- t --- , _--00- _:___ , - --t-- i __ .-----1-- -+------------- +- I I .._ _-.~I===--- _ :~n . VALUATION TIDElAND IMPROVED BUilDING UNIMPROVED I .--+ , -- --t-- -+ ---+ --+-=1=-+ . -:=-+--=~=r= -:_ = i= ~-J.. -=:- Lj: , "; ---t--- ==t , , ---I -- I --+---- - , B OF E TOTAL AI I that ptn of the E 1(2 of 5-22-4 W,W.M. & al I that ptn of the E 1/2 of 32-23-4 W,W.M., particularly descr as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to"sd Sections 5 &'32; th N 4026'09" E along the Eline of sd Section 32, a distance of 227.52'; th N 85~33'51" W 1531.80' to the POB of the within descr land; th S 14042'OO"W 95.38'; th ,S 38029'38" W 727.49' to intersect the NEly margin of Co Rd,#260 at a pnt on a curve from which the center lies N 48040'46" E 2970.00'; th NEly along sd rd margin & along sd curve to the right through a central ange" of 2032' 17" an' arc distance of 131.56' to a pnt of compound curvature & the beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of 270.00'; th NWly along sd rd margin & along sd curve through a central angle of 38052'16" an arc distance of 183.18' to a pnt of reverse curvature & the beginning -of a curve to the left with a radius of 300.00'; th NWly along sd rd margin & along sd curve through a central angle of 21041' 13" an arc distance of 113.55'; th leaving sd rd margin, N 65012'30" E 127.70'; th N 28026'12" E 208.34'; th N 45024'28" E 144.51"; th N 68036'56" E 264.35" th S 43059'22" E 139.25'; th S 14042'00" W 59.37' to the POS, excepting therefrom rd rights-of-way.